Saturday, November 30, 2013

Some Thanksgiving Photo's

I am hoping everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. That is the only holiday that all
of my side of the family is able to all get together on. Everyone made it this year except my one Brother In Law. He was unable to make it because he had to work.
We also give the school age children Christmas gifts that day, so it is like our Christmas celebration also.
My sister Lena hosted it this year, she lives in a lovely home on several acres and has some goats and
chickens, the kiddies always enjoy going and feeding them.
 I will show a few pictures of our big day. I have so much to be thankful for, I am so thankful for
my family especially. And it has been 11 months since moms surgery on her arm and leg and the Dr.
has finally released her. It is so wonderful to see her doing well again.
I really thought I had gotten everyones picture, but see that I am missing Michael my niece, Hillary's husband.
Riley, Jake and Cole

Steph, Ashley, Austin and Jordan is Lina's son.

Hillary Lena's daughter, my grandkids and Steph my daughter

Our newest addition, Austin, he was a preemie and is doing well.

Robert, Lena my sister, Nathan and Lina , she is Nathan's mom

My dad, Mat my SIL, and Bev, Lina's husband

My nieces Regina and Emily

Emily, Annabel, Luke, Ronnie and Hillary

Rhonda, Logan and Luke my son and his Girlfriend and her son

Me and Ronnie

My mom and Luke

Hillary, grands and Raven, she is such a sweet dog and reminds me of my Lilly

Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Christmas Cookbook

I am a big fan of  "Gooseberry Patch" cookbooks, I am honored to have recipes in five of their cookbooks,
one is the new Christmas one for this year. "Hometown Christmas".
I would like to share the recipe with you from this cookbook.
(These yummy taco crackers were a gift from my sister Lina one year for Christmas. They were so good that I just had to have the recipe). I know you will enjoy them too. Very nice for gifts too.

Lina's Taco Crackers

3-10 oz. pkgs. oyster crackers                        
3/4 cup oil                                                       
1-1/4oz. pkg. taco seasoning mix                     
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. chili powder
Place crackers in a large roasting pan: drizzle with oil, Combine seasoning mix and spices
in a small bowl: sprinkle over crackers and toss to coat. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 15- 20 min.
until golden brown, stirring once. Cool: store in an airtight container, Makes 16 cups.

I have been working really hard, almost every day in my salon and my school nursing job,
my crafting is very limited as well as my blogging time. And the holidays are coming so fast.
 I was able to finish a Santa I was working on.
I am also working on a snowman for a friend swap.
I am not going to show the finished snowman, since my friend is a blogger and may look at my blog,
I will show the finished snowman after she receives him. Until now the headless snowman.

Inspired by an Olde Homestead Barn pattern.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New Bonnets

I have been so busy with working my two jobs but did manage to get two new bonnets made.

They are approx. 26" long and are inspired by a "Drakestone Primitive" pattern.

I am asking $22.99 each plus shipping. Please email me if interested. Farmhouse Prims

Saturday, November 9, 2013

So proud of my Daughter.

My daughter suffers from an eating disorder called "Diabulimia", she will binge eat and not take her insulin
to control her weight. I know it sounds crazy, you think why would you do something like this to harm your body. But it is an addiction like drugs or alcohol and it consumes you.
 It breaks my heart to see my daughter struggle with this and without health insurance how do you afford rehab, I was hoping with the Obama Care at least she could get some insurance, but she can't even get on the site, so not much hope in that.
 But she has come along way, she used to wouldn't even admit that she had a problem, everything was hidden. Now she will talk about it openly and she is improving and doing what she can to get help.
I am so thankful that she is a part of a diabetic diabulimia group on facebook and one sweet girl even
sent her a book that she has written. "Slow Suicide" could be my daughters story, an amazing story.
 It is an answer to prayers I know, I pray constantly that my daughter will beat this illness and be a help to others. And that her way of thinking will change and that she will get the help that she needs.
 She has started a blog, which I am so proud of her for doing this, stop by and take a look and continue
to keep my Steph in your prayers. I know prayers have helped her thus far. She will always be my little girl!

And please check out her blog
"My Struggle with Diabulimia"

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Happenings

Fall is just flying by and I am getting all excited thinking about what toys to buy my grandchildren for Christmas.It makes me feel like a kid again. he he
I want their Christmas to be special but not all about gifts, so I put alot of thought into what I will get them.
We usually give them a gift on Christmas Eve. and two other things on Christmas morning, plus a few things in their stockings. They seem to enjoy and play more with their toys when they don't just get package after package.
But back to fall, I love fall . In October my BF and my sisters and I usually make a quick one night trip to
Lancaster, Pa. Then me and some of my friends from nursing school plan a weekend at our farmhouse,
this year it was only going to be three of us and the night before my one freind got sick and so only my
friend Barbara and I were the only ones to go.
But we had a wonderful time, we talked alot, ate alot and laughed alot.
We also took a big drive into WV.
 I could have never made it in nursing school without her, we were each others cheerleaders, we cried together and encouraged each other and being older it was alot harder for us going back to school.
But I am proud out of a class of over 60 , there were only twenty something of us that made it.
 But I am quite upset how LPN's don't have the respect that they should, at our local hospital, which they assured us wouldn't happen when we were in school. LPN's are considered techs, I am more than a tech,
I dedicated two years of my life to studying and schooling. I would love to be an RN, but no more school for this gal, I want to enjoy my life and my grandchildren. he he
Here is some pictures of Barbara and I at the farmhouse. Warning Picture overload.

My friend Barb and I, our first stop the apple orchard

Senica Rocks, mountain climbers love these rocks.

Yes, this is snow Oct. 26th.

Beautiful Black Water Falls

Next I have to show you some pictures of my grandchildren on Halloween, Cole and Riley, unfortunately
we didn't get to see my grandson Jake, My son is supposed to bring him one day in his costume so we can see him too.

Riley the Zombie

Cole, from StarWars

Pappy, Cole and Riley

My SIL Mat Chillin

My Daughter Steph and little Bo

My new Billy Jacob print that I got in Pa.

I always make this easy yummy apple dip when my friends and I go to the farmhouse,
I will share it with you
1 stick of butter softened (or 1/2 cup) softened
1 8oz. block of cream cheese softened
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients well with a mixer.
Chill in fridge, serve with your favorite apples.

Enjoy my friends and "Happy Fall"

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November "Early Work Mercantile" Listings

Please stop by "Early Work Mercantile" and check out my November listings.
I have listed several items that would make wonderful Christmas gifts or to decorate
your home for the holidays!