Saturday, November 9, 2013

So proud of my Daughter.

My daughter suffers from an eating disorder called "Diabulimia", she will binge eat and not take her insulin
to control her weight. I know it sounds crazy, you think why would you do something like this to harm your body. But it is an addiction like drugs or alcohol and it consumes you.
 It breaks my heart to see my daughter struggle with this and without health insurance how do you afford rehab, I was hoping with the Obama Care at least she could get some insurance, but she can't even get on the site, so not much hope in that.
 But she has come along way, she used to wouldn't even admit that she had a problem, everything was hidden. Now she will talk about it openly and she is improving and doing what she can to get help.
I am so thankful that she is a part of a diabetic diabulimia group on facebook and one sweet girl even
sent her a book that she has written. "Slow Suicide" could be my daughters story, an amazing story.
 It is an answer to prayers I know, I pray constantly that my daughter will beat this illness and be a help to others. And that her way of thinking will change and that she will get the help that she needs.
 She has started a blog, which I am so proud of her for doing this, stop by and take a look and continue
to keep my Steph in your prayers. I know prayers have helped her thus far. She will always be my little girl!

And please check out her blog
"My Struggle with Diabulimia"


  1. I'm so sorry your daughter suffers from this - but I sure am happy you told us she's recognizing it and trying to help herself. I never heard of this disorder - my goodness there are so many things out there that scare us aren't there. And to not be able to get the insurance site right maddening!


  2. My prayers for your daughter. I hope that soon she will get the care that she needs. My heart goes out to you. Prayers for you too that God will give you the strength to help your daughter.


  3. Of course you have our prayers!
    I never heard of bulimia being attached w/diabetics, very interesting! I will have to go check out her blog, I'm sure she has an amazing story! I pray that God will deliver her from this and that He'll use her story for His glory!

    Hugs to you!

  4. I checked on line and there is free health care in Virginia, not sure about rehab but I don;t think Obamacare covers it. Maybe I'm wrong.

  5. I admire your daughter for having the courage to share this. May she find the strength to overcome this horrible addiction.
    Hugs :)

  6. Hi Lecia, I'll pray for your daughter. I can understand the mental challenge she is undertaking. It's hard for those who have never experienced any mental illness to understand and show compassion for those whom are struggling with it. I have compassion for those who are dealing with mental health issues. Well wishes to your daughter :)


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