Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Happenings

Fall is just flying by and I am getting all excited thinking about what toys to buy my grandchildren for Christmas.It makes me feel like a kid again. he he
I want their Christmas to be special but not all about gifts, so I put alot of thought into what I will get them.
We usually give them a gift on Christmas Eve. and two other things on Christmas morning, plus a few things in their stockings. They seem to enjoy and play more with their toys when they don't just get package after package.
But back to fall, I love fall . In October my BF and my sisters and I usually make a quick one night trip to
Lancaster, Pa. Then me and some of my friends from nursing school plan a weekend at our farmhouse,
this year it was only going to be three of us and the night before my one freind got sick and so only my
friend Barbara and I were the only ones to go.
But we had a wonderful time, we talked alot, ate alot and laughed alot.
We also took a big drive into WV.
 I could have never made it in nursing school without her, we were each others cheerleaders, we cried together and encouraged each other and being older it was alot harder for us going back to school.
But I am proud out of a class of over 60 , there were only twenty something of us that made it.
 But I am quite upset how LPN's don't have the respect that they should, at our local hospital, which they assured us wouldn't happen when we were in school. LPN's are considered techs, I am more than a tech,
I dedicated two years of my life to studying and schooling. I would love to be an RN, but no more school for this gal, I want to enjoy my life and my grandchildren. he he
Here is some pictures of Barbara and I at the farmhouse. Warning Picture overload.

My friend Barb and I, our first stop the apple orchard

Senica Rocks, mountain climbers love these rocks.

Yes, this is snow Oct. 26th.

Beautiful Black Water Falls

Next I have to show you some pictures of my grandchildren on Halloween, Cole and Riley, unfortunately
we didn't get to see my grandson Jake, My son is supposed to bring him one day in his costume so we can see him too.

Riley the Zombie

Cole, from StarWars

Pappy, Cole and Riley

My SIL Mat Chillin

My Daughter Steph and little Bo

My new Billy Jacob print that I got in Pa.

I always make this easy yummy apple dip when my friends and I go to the farmhouse,
I will share it with you
1 stick of butter softened (or 1/2 cup) softened
1 8oz. block of cream cheese softened
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients well with a mixer.
Chill in fridge, serve with your favorite apples.

Enjoy my friends and "Happy Fall"


  1. Congrats to you and your friend for all your hard work and ,your right, I have seen LPN,s treated that way and it is wrong.
    What a fun day with beautiful sunny weather that you had to enjoy. The scenery is beautiful!!!
    Can't believe Halloween is over anfd the grands look adorable.
    I must try your recipe...looks easy to make.
    ps...great background on your blog

  2. Hello, what beautiful scenery, love the falls......sweet Grandkids dressed for Halloween, yum dip, thanks for sharing, Hugs Francine.

  3. Great pictures of your beautiful family and your grandchildren are AWESOME looking in their Halloween costumes.
    When I read your blog post I understand 100% about when there was no school and it was a snow day
    we had a ball. I enjoyed every minute and miss it so much! I also LOVED summer break with my sons. I would here other mother's say oh I can't wait for school to start and it would make me feel so sad. IDIDN'T want them to go back. My husband and I enjoyed our kiddos so so much and still do even though they are older.

    I tell people when I see them with their kiddos enjoy every minute because they grow up SO fast, to FAST if you ask me.
    I can't believe we are in Nov. already. The year is flying by us so quick.
    Take a pic of your grandson when he comes to see you guys in his costume.

  4. I think that is quite an accomplishment at any age, but esp. if you are older and go back to school, and nursing is a hard job from what I hear!!
    What a sweet family you have Lecia, and I love the grand~doggie too! Looks like Lassie! LOL
    Will have to try your apple dip~ looks delish!!
    Can't believe you saw SNOW already!! ugh!! not ready for that yet!


  5. So happy to see you and your friend enjoy nature's beauty. You look so pretty standing there in front of the falls.
    Zombies are the big thing right now. I watch The Walking Dead between my fingers... LOL.
    It's good you're getting started on your Christmas. I say it's never too soon. You certainly have a beautiful family.

  6. Beautiful family and photos friend.
    What blessings.
    Its the most wonderful time of the year,
    Woolie JOY

  7. What a wonderful post. So glad that you had some time away.Keep on keeping on. You are blessed. ~Sara


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