Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Prayers needed for a blogging friend!

I am asking all my blogger friends to please remember a dear sweet blogger friend in your prayers.

Margie "Hungry Hook Primitives"   She has been ill for so long. Pain is a terrible thing and I

know Margie gets so tired of not feeling well. Please lift her up in your prayers for a miracle,

for the Doctor's to find a way to help her.  She has a lovely blog and makes beautiful hooked rugs,

she also dyes wool and sells it. This is what she loves to do, but has been feeling so bad that

she can't even do this. Please pray for Margie!!! She is so sweet and just wants to feel good and

do the things in life that she enjoys. Also pray for the doors to open for her husband to

get  a job.   Please let Margie know that we love her and care.

Here is a photo of some of her awesome work.


  1. Oh no!!!! Sending prayers for dear Margie.....Thanks Lucia, Hugs Francine.

  2. I just love margie, such a great girl! She's been in my prayers awhile. Hugs! Amy

  3. Lecia,
    saddens me that Margie is still not feeling well. so wish the doc's could do something to help her!
    Congrats on your home in the book too! hugs! OLM

  4. Prayers for Margie... I have a few of her hooked rugs and she is indeed one talented lady! Hope she feels better soon, and can get back to doing what she loves so much.

  5. Praying for Margie and her husband, and sending her some ((((hugs))))


  6. Yes, of course I'll send prayers up for Margie. I've only conversed with her a few times and she seems like a wonderful gal. She helped me out with my rug hooking. I sure hope she feels better soon.


  7. Will say some special prayers for Margie! She is a lovely lady.

  8. I have had Margie in my prayers for quite a while now. I wish the Docs could get to the bottom of this illness and help sweet Margie to feel a whole lot better. I will get in touch with her and I will continue with my prayers. She is a marvelous person who has endured way too much.

    This is so very nice of you to ask for prayers.

  9. I will lift her up in prayer. Bloggers are prayers.

  10. Good morning Lecia,
    I have been praying for Margie and her husband and I chat with her and I feel so bad that this is just such a slow process getting her well again - it's just not fair.
    She's just the sweetest person.

  11. I have ordered wool off of Margie, she is a very sweet person! I will lift her up in prayer!



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