Monday, September 9, 2013

Tribute fo a fellow crafter!

I was honored to know a wonderful lady Sandy Schmidt, her blog was "The Olde Country Cupboard"

She had the most wonderful blog, and if you went to the bottom of her blog she had several

patterns to download and giveaway. She was so willing to share her talent and was so giving.

  Her web site was "The Olde Country Cupboard"

Sandy had a long battle with cancer and passed away last week. She was one of the most talented ladies

I have ever known in crafting. But she was so down to earth. I remember years ago buying a pattern from

her and she had made me several things over the years. I love prairie things and she had a talent for

making prairie things, I had bought an old dresser drawer display with prairie dolls in it, a prairie bag

holder doll and Hannah a prairie Christmas doll. I will cherish these items from Sandy.

  She would give me pointers and help me if I had any questions in my crafting adventure. Please

remember Sandy's family as she is laid to rest tomorrow.

I found a wonderful article about Sandy that I want to share, Please click on the link to

read an interview she gave  "Interview with Sandy"

She was a twin and her sister Cyndy does crafts also. She is talented like Sandy and I own some of her

creations. Please remember all of the family as they go through this difficult time. Sandy leaves behind

her husband, daughter, granddaughter, sister, mom and so many friends that loved her.

She made the world a much better place and was beautiful inside and out, she will be

missed greatly. I am so honored and humbled to have known her!!! RIP sweet Sandy.


  1. I, too, had read her blog and admired Sandy's creations. I also admired her strength to keep going even though she was fighting that awful battle. She was an inspiration to many, I know.
    I had sooooo hoped that she would be able to conquer that terrible disease. I am a cancer survivor so I know how it affects ones mind and body.
    Blessings to her family. I know her beautiful, talented daughter will be lost without her Mom. I'm so, so sorry for loss that the whole family is suffering.
    Charlotte in Virginia

  2. Lovely post Lucia, sad to have lost such a wonderful gal....Prayers for the family, , Hugs Francine.

  3. Very sweet tribute to Sandy, Lecia. She will truly be missed in our cyber community. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

  4. Beautiful post Lecia...thanks for sharing with us and sending many prayers to her family.

  5. Lovely post, sad as it is to have lost her battle with cancer but we can all be grateful she is no longer suffering. I've purchased several of her patterns over the years as well. Only knowing her through our blogs and websites she truly was a gem. She will be deeply missed but as I said the other day she will live on in our hearts and hands as we all continue to create her wonderful patterns!

  6. I am so sad to hear this.
    Deepest Sympathy to the family.

  7. Deepest Sympathy to the family.

  8. Sandy was a wonderful gal and is now a beautiful angel. Sincere condolences to her family.


  9. I am very sorry.

    With Sympathy,

  10. I am so saddened by the news of her passing. I followed her blog for years and ordered several patterns from her. My heart breaks for her family! I'll be keeping them in my prayers.

  11. I have not logged on in a while and missed this news. I am very sad to learn of Sandy's passing, she was too young and so so talented! I have one of her patterns sitting on my sewing machine as I type. She will be missed dearly by many. God Bless her family♥♥♥Lisa


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