Thursday, September 12, 2013

Look what arrived at my house today!

I was thrilled to find out that I was a winner  of  Carol "Firecracker Kid" awesome giveaway.

Not only did Carol  give away one of her beautiful rolling pin cabinets, but she gave away three.

And I happened to be one of the lucky winners. She even let us choose our own color.

  I am saddened to hear that her and her husband are giving up their woodcrafting business,

but I know they have worked so hard and just need a break. So I am especially thrilled to

have some of Carol and Tim's creations.  I didn't have any wall space left in  my kitchen, so I thought

who says I have to put it in my kitchen. I put the cabinet in my Living Room and totally love it there,

( the rolling pin cover was also made by Carol,) I had gotten it at an earlier time.

Thank you Carol for hosting such a wonderful giveaway, I will forever cherish my cabinets

from you and Tim. Your woodworking talent will be missed, but I understand and wish you

the best!!!  Now to show off my cabinet, Isn't it lovely!!!


  1. Love it Lecia, I keep meeting the mail lady to see if she is carrying mine LOL, I can't wait, love your display
    I too will miss Carol and Timmy badly I love their creations, I have always cherished mine, but even more now

  2. Well Well, you are a lucky lady, that is a beautiful giveaway win, Congrats Lucia. Looks great and love your display, Blessings Francine.

  3. Well that's awesome Lecia, so pretty.

  4. It is truly gorgeous, Lecia and you're just right to enjoy it in your living room!

  5. How wonderful! This is something you will enjoy for years to come! Sweet hugs!

  6. Congrats Lecia - I also won one of Carol's rolling pin shelves last year, and I really treasure it. I know she and her hubby have worked so hard...time to take some R & R for themselves. Enjoy dear!

  7. Hi Lecia,
    CONGRATULATIONS TO fortunate to have won one of their final pieces.
    Looks great where you put it.

  8. A wonderful piece to cherish - congrats Lecia! ~*~Lisa

  9. Wow Lecia! What an awesome win and a very generous giveaway!!


  10. Very nice and love how you decorated it. I can't wait till I get mine!
    I was lucky too.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. So pretty. All of Carol's creations are so awesome. Congrats on the win :)


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