Saturday, June 15, 2013

Farmhouse Prims Giveaway!

I almost have 350 followers so I think it is time for a giveaway. I have been wanting to do a giveaway for awhile but
 have never seemed to get around to it. This giveaway will be for one of my quilted brim bonnets.
I am going to do something different this time, I am going to let the winner pick out the bonnet of their choice,
but it must be one that I already have made.( I will give you several choices).You must be a follower of my blog , new followers are welcome.
I am asking you to leave a comment on this post only telling me where you will display the bonnet if you are the winner.  If you post the giveaway to your sidebar you will be entered twice, just be sure to let me know that you have done this. I will draw the winner next Sat. June 22nd. This giveaway will be for US and Canada residents only. Thank you for being a follower of my blog, I cherish each and every friendship that
I have made through blogging.


  1. I would love to be entered Lecia! Thank you, I love all of your creations. Blessings~Sara

  2. Hello, I would love to win one of your beautiful bonnets. I would display it hanging on an old prim cupboard in my mudroom.


  3. Oh you know I love your would hang this one on my antique hay fork.Posting to my sidebar as well.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Lecia,

    First a happy belated b-day to Cole!!!! Oh my I am so lucky to have several of your bonnets, do I dare be greedy and enter for another? Of course I would hang it off one of my tobacco sticks! OLM

  5. Oh....goodness!!! WOO HOO!!! A Lecia bonnet giveaway! Can't get much better than that!! I would LOVE to be entered....PLEASE, PLEASE!! Where would I display it??? You've got my mind whirling....they are soooo wonderful anyplace and make every place wonderful you put them....I'm thinking this one would go next to my other Lecia bonnet on my peg rack....or....just maybe in the bathroom that I'm finishing re-doing..... ( thinks I'm sensing an order in my near future....) Have happily posted on my neglected blog sidebar.... and now crossing all cross-able body parts. Thanks for the opportunity Sweetie! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Wow what a great giveaway, I can't even imagine winning it but if I did I think I would display it on a peg rack in my kitchen or maybe the peg rack above my bench in my entryway hall. What a great day to draw it's my 40th birthday.

  7. How we all love your bonnets.
    I would hang mine off of my ladder with my quilts.
    Woolie Blessings to you

  8. Hi Lecia, I would love a bonnet to go with the sweet doll you made for me! I would probably hang the bonnet on the rocker that the sweet little doll sits on! Have a great weekend! Congrats on all your I can't even get 100! LOL
    Be blessed,
    Will post on my sidebar too!

  9. Adorably prim bonnets! I've got you on my sidebar, I'm a follower and I'd hang 'em on my 'ol wooden tobacco rake.

  10. Good morning, my friend! I love your bonnets! I have a few but my new peg board has some empty spaces. And I did just find a sign that says "Prairie Bonnets" to hang above that peg board. It would be so awesome to have yet another of your creations!!!

  11. Hi Lecia,
    I have long admired your bonnets and would LOVE to have one!
    As to the WHERE it would go.... I would hang it on my peg rack in my little "Primitive Room" and it would be just PERFECT!
    Thank you for your generous Giveaway!
    Warm Hugs~~
    My Primitive Heart

  12. Hello Lecia-
    Love your sweet bonnets.
    Please enter me in your Giveaway.
    I would hang the bonnet in my Dining Room. I posted your Giveaway on my sidebar. Have a wonderful day!

  13. Well congratulations on getting those followers....great blog so I can see why!

    Oh I'd love to be entered in this giveaway...your bonnets are so awesome.


  14. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love the bonnets. Perfect place in my hallway. Thanks for the opportunity.


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.