Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Easy Trail Mix

This week my church is having Bible school and I am in charge of the snacks. I still remember going to bible school when I was growing up. I loved it so much, I can still remember some of the little songs and Bible stories that I learned in Bible school. And one of my favorite parts was the crafts, then it was the things
that were poured in ceramic molds and we would paint them or either things made out of popcicle sticks.
I always enjoyed it so much and now it is my time to help with it and make memories for the little boys and girls growing up now.
  I am in charge of the snacks, I can handle that. One of the snacks that we are having is a very simple trail mix,
It only takes 4 ingredients. You get a snack or sandwich bag, for each bag you add 1/4 cup of raisins,
1/4 cup of miniature marshallows, 1/4 cup of pretzels, and 2 Tablespoons of M&M's. Just mix it all together,
and you have a wonderful trail mix, good enough for an adult too.

And just a reminder if you haven't signed up for my giveaway, the drawing will be this Sat.,
please go to the prior post to sign up for that.


  1. Hi Lecia,
    Boy does that bring back memories!! I STILL have all those songs in my head and also took my two children to VBS! Happy times!
    Those kiddies will love their snacks!
    Have fun!
    Warm Hugs~

  2. Oh I will never forget my memories of Bible School...I could not wait for the Cherry Kool Aid...lol
    Great snack for young ones.

  3. Ahhhh...vacation bible school...I remember it well and fondly...my favorite part though was the crafts. (Gee, that should have told me something early on, huh?) ;o) Snacks look/sound yummy. We always had the same thing - a homemade cookie of some kind, and a glass of Kool-aid.... I had a hard time with that because we were taught you had to have milk with a cookie....Kool-aid just didn't taste right!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Bible school was always fun. It would be fun making the snacks for it. Trail mix is yummy!


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