Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Spam, Spam and more Spam!

I don't know if it is happening to other bloggers or not, but every day I am receiving anonymous comments  on my blog, Yesterday it was over 30. And they have nothing to do with my posts. I keep deleting them
as spam. Is anyone else having any problems. And is there anything we can do to stop them?
I just think it has to be someone who is really bored and needs a job! They must have a boring life. Just
my thoughts.
Does it seem to you that blogger has slowed down and that everyone is going to Facebook. It seems like people who used to post on their blogs now are posting on FB. FB is alright, but it seems like I have a
special friendship with you my friends that I have met through blogging. And I know many of you will be
my friends for life. I appreciate each and every friendship so much.
I do want to share a few picture of my grandson Cole and his 7th. Birthday Party. He was the man of the hour, and soooo excited. It was a joy to see him have so much fun.
I also wanted to share a picture of my son and the beautiful lady that he does gigs with. That is what they call
them. He is a very talented musician. Luke and Kelly are playing music somewhere every week.
They are booked for weddings, parties etc. In this photo they are playing at a graduation party.
 Luke has been playing the guitar since he was probably 7.
I want to show a picture of my little dog Bo. We were keeping him for my BIL, he wasn't allowed to have pets. I wouldn't let myself get attached or close to Bo, since I was afraid of getting hurt and had just lost my lab Lilly. My BIL saw how much Bo liked us and gave him to us.. He is my dog now and I love him! Also I wanted to show a picture of a basket that one of my hair customers made me, He made it and gave it to me for Mothers day! I love it!!!

Happy Birthday Cole!

His sweet sister Riley

Oh my what am I going to wish for??

Look I blowed  all the candle out!
My son Luke and Kelly May Brown
My little Bo, and my husband teaching him a trick with a treat on his nose, he won't eat it until my husband says OK
The lovely basket one of my customers gave me!


  1. Hi, Yes it has been happening to me too. So frustrating to blog sometimes! Love all the photos! Enjoy the Summer! Maggie/Maggies Lil' Fixins

  2. I had the spam issue to one day I looked and over 2000! Turn off the anonymous comments and the spam will stop. No facebook for me, to much drama. I haven't been blogging as much because just busy with life but do stop in to visit my blog friends every day. I think the people I've met through blog are truely Hugs!- Amy

  3. Good morning.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post about your Cole's birthday...he's a very handsome boy - and I love his cake - how cute! Adorable sister too!

    How proud you must be of your son...our middle son Dan sings and can play the guitar - he was in a band in high school and for awhile after he graduated. Always so fun to see our children do these special things - makes my heart full as I'm sure it does yours too.

    Now on to blogger...I WILL NOT GIVE UP and I guess those that are sticking with blogger we will just have to support each other.
    If our friends have jumped the fence so to speak then we can start getting new blogs to follow from seeing them on each other's sidebars...I've found a few new ones that way.

    I do get on FB because of my grands...BUT I do not get the full picture when I see posts from my friends posts...they don't say anything. I want to know the story and feel a connection - not that they went to bed early!!!
    There just isn't enough 'personal' connection with FB.

    Now i'm not bashing FB because it works for those that do it regularly - but it's not for me as far as sharing my thoughts and work, and I can see it's not for you either.

    I did a post on Blogger vs FB a little over a year ago or more and wow what feedback!

    SO I'M STILL HERE AND WILL BE HERE. And I know the die hard bloggers will stay.

    Hope you hit a nerve somewhere with this post you did because I miss my friends and want them back too!!!


  4. I forgot to mention about the SPAM...I've had a few of them too - they seem to be ADVERTISEMENTS for just about everything and like you said, none related to the post.
    I get an e-mail of each comment posted so I know right away if it's on there and I just go in and delete it right away....a bother, but no harm done.

  5. So far I have had no spam, but have realized blogging is slowing down. FB is fine, just too impersonal. I also have noticed I have lost followers. Love the cake and it looks like a fun party. Grands just make us so darned happy.

  6. I had the same problem awhile back where I was getting tons of spam comments. I changed the settings so that no anonymous comments can be left and haven't had trouble since. Happy Birthday to Cole! Bo looks like a sweetie! Sounds like Luke and Kelly do a great job, a special gift they have!

  7. Good morning dear. Loved reading your post today. I have been getting some spam comments, but not 30 a day! I know of no way to stop them. :-/
    I too have noticed that blogging has slowed down and some are posting more on FB. Like you, I do not like FB nearly as much as blogging! I don't think you really get to 'know' someone, their likes and dislikes. FB seems 'lame' to me...I'll always be blogging!

  8. Morning, sorry to hear about the spam, terrible but don`t know how to help you.......Sweet Birthday party for Cole, nice cake, yum......Love the fur baby, always nice to have a dog in the house I think......Beautiful basket, amazing work, Blessings Francine.

  9. Looks like your grandson Cole is having a great birthday. No spam problems so far, know it has to be a headache dealing with them. I have also noticed not as many people seem to be blogging. I have a face book page, don't really use it. I am like you, I have enjoyed making really great friends through blogging, can't get know better than blogging friends, they are really special, hope the blogging world stays alive, blogs just seem to be a little more personal than facebook. Have a great week Vicky


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