Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wonderful packages in the mail

Carol "Buttermilk Creek Farm"  asked me if I would like to have some fabric from her that she was

parting with. I said yes, and it arrived today. What a beautiful selection of fabric, each piece that I looked at,

I was already dreaming of what I would be making. Little doll dresses, pumpkin and scarecrow clothes,

snowman and santa outfits, table runners, my mind was just running on and on.

 I want to thank you Carol from the bottom of my heart, that was sooo sweet of you to offer the

fabric to me. I appreciate it so much. My stash of fabric usually fits in one bag, I do need to branch

out and get a plastic tote for storage now.

I met Carol though her blog. And for a long time I wanted one of her mousers, well I am crazy over

feedsacks and she made one that I couldn't resist with a feedsack apron. Am I ever proud that I

got that little mouser. I display her proudly and she also has the cutest feedsack and sheep to go with

her. If you have never seen Carol's work you don't know what you are missing. She uses so much

detail in her work. I don't know how she does it. Stop by her blog and check out her creations.

I am already in anticipation of what she is going to come up with for fall.


  1. How fun, Lecia to get such a fun package. I can only imagine the great prims you will make with them. I hope you are all having a great summer.

  2. Thank you sweet friend. I am so glad that you can figure a use for all of it.


  3. Hi Lecia, I agree with Pam....How fun to get such a wonderful package from Carol. She is such a sweet and very generous friend.....and her mousers....Oh my gosh are they ever primtastic , I always say there like potato "CAN"T" stop at just one! hehehe. I can't wait to see what you create with all your new fabric. I just know that your new creations are going to be awesome!! It's so great to be back and feeling better ever day....I sure have missed the both of you's!!! Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Sunday.
    Big Hugs,

  4. Love that fabric Lecia! And Carol's mice are wonderful too. ENJOY! Can't wait to see what you create ~*~Lisa

  5. That was so sweet of Carol to send you some wonderful fabric. I'm sure you will put it to good use!
    Love Carols mousers ~ she does do beautiful work! The one you got is so adorable ~ love the apron!!!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Nice fabric Lecia..the mustards will make some beautiful bonnets..can't wait to see what else you use it for. Have fun with it. Mary

  7. Love the fabric. beautiful colors. How thoughtful of Carol. I can't wait to see what you create.
    I Love Carol's mice. She is soo creative.
    Enjoy your weekend!


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