Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Birthday Celebration and some wonderful news!

Sunday we celebrated my grandson Coles' 6th. Birthday! I want to share some pictures.

The little smile on his face is worth a million dollars to me. He sure had a grand old time!!

And I want to thank each one of your for praying for my mom's arm. I went with my parents

to UVA today and the Dr. is very pleased with how her arm is healing, she is able to move

it some now. Four weeks ago he was pretty much sure she would require surgery.

I do believe in pray and I know for a fact that it helped my mom. I am just so thrilled!!!

God is good!!


  1. Happy Birthday to Cole! Love his Angry Bird cake, cute! So glad your mom is doing better!

  2. Sweet pictures and great memories.
    Happy birthday to your grandson.

  3. So glad to hear that your mom is doing better.
    Cute cake. Happy Birthday to your grandson.

  4. I have the angry bird laugh going on in my head!!! What a great party. Cole and Kaden are only a month apart in age! Kaden will be 6 the 10th of July!!! Kaden loves Angry Birds too!

  5. I am so happy to hear your Mom is doing better. Glad that she does not have to have surgery. What a handsome young birthday boy! My husband would want the same exact cake!! I will have to remember this in September. ~Ann

  6. Such wonderful news about your momma! Cole looks so excited and happy.Love when they are still little and how the littlest things can make them so excited.If only it lasted longer.Hugs!~Amy

  7. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better Lecia. All your grandbabies are adorable. Love Cole's cake~so cute!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  8. Happy birthday to Cole! Looks like he had a fun that angry birds cake. Glad to hear your mom is doing good. Take care, Janice

  9. Boy he sure is Riley looks just like her daddy. I see they were keeping cool :) That's great news about your mother. God is great.

  10. Hi Lecia, thanking God for your mom's arm! Yes I too believe in the power of prayer.
    The birthday pictures are so cute. I love the Angry Birds cake.
    Have a great Friday!
    Be blessed,


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