Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prairie Doll

I love anything prairie, I recently made this prairie doll for someone. Love how she turned out.

I used a Sweetmeadowsfarm pattern.

I stopped by to visit  Jean "Prim Crafts" a week ago, boy do I ever have fun talking to Jean.

And she is always so helpful giving me craft pointers, I am so glad I live near her.

Well she always makes sure I go home with a special treasure, She gave me one of her cute,

sunflower dolls, I put her in a flower pot, isn't she adorable. Thank you Jean, so glad you are

my friend.

Everyone please keep my mom in your prayers this week. We go back to UVA Wed. to see if

her arm is healing or if she requires surgery. It has been a long road for my mom.

I am expecting the best for her!


  1. That prairie doll is wonderful Lecia - I always love all of your creations. Jean is a wonderful crafter/artist too! Good luck with your mom's results - oh I hope she is healing and doesn't need surgery! ~*~Lisa

  2. Hi Lecia,
    Love the dolls. I'm jealous you live close enough to Jean to visit with, but happy for you both to be able to share special times with. She blessed me with one of her little flower dolls for my BD and I never thought to place her in a cut little pot! Hmm, might have to do that ;-)
    I hope everything works out for your Momma. Will keep her in my prayers.
    I found my camera, so I'll be taking pics of things I rec'd from you, Jean and Cherry later today and post.
    Enjoy your weekend~
    hugz and blessings,

  3. Sweet of Jean! I'm jealous she gets to visit you.LoL..Love the little prairie doll you made.Praying your momma doesn't need surgery.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Love your little prairie doll, I never thought of using safety pins instead of buttons, I may have to borrow that idea! Jean little flower doll is cute, too. I hope your mom gets good news. Happy weekend!!!

  5. Hi Lecia,
    Love the very cute!!
    Hope your mom gets good news and doesn't need surgery.

  6. The prairie doll you made is just too cute! I love it!
    Keeping your mom in my prayers and on my prayer list.
    Be blessed,

  7. Hi Lecia :) Certainly prayers for your momma and wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Oh, I love your prairie doll. Is she for sale?
    That's so neat you have a blog friend close enough to visit. Cute as a button flower dolly.

  8. Jean is awesome. Great doll she made for you. Take care, Janice

  9. Lecia, you did a superb job on the prairie doll! Lil' miss sunflower looks very happy in her new home too. Sending up prayers for your mom.

  10. Hi Leica

    Prairie Doll is adorable awesome job you did Love how
    she looks..Jean's gift to you is so special, Jean has
    a heart for others and it show in her giving...Lots of
    extra prayers for your Mom,Believing all will go well
    for you, have a safe trip will be praying & thinking about
    you all !!! Take Care Prim Friend



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