Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pictures from the old Farmhouse

My husband and I went to WV this past weekend and stayed in our old farmhouse that we are remodeling.

One thing I love about it there is the peace and quiet and love the old out buildings.

 They are home to some of the old home place treasures.

I wanted to share some photo's. You all come back now, ya hear!!!!!


  1. Oh looks like some treasures are hidden away there waiting for new life.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Oh so beautiful, I have family in WV and family here also have a home there for a get away, Love your farmhouse, it looks so prim.

  3. Love the photos of your farmhouse. Looks like a great place, even with a lot of work to do.

  4. Oh my goodness I love all of the treasures you have there! You are so lucky. I have to say the best thing that caught my eye was the old school desk, I remember sitting in those in elementary school, Boy would I love one of those! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Be blessed!

  5. Hi Lecia:

    After talking with you about the farm, I am so happy that you posted some pictures. What a wonderful home!! I would find it hard to leave. Thanks so much for sharing.


  6. My heart is still skipping a beat!! Such a beautiful place. You can just feel the love and peacefulness looking at the pictures. You are one lucky couple to have such a place to pour your love and work into. And all those treasures are just an added bonus. Thanks for sharing with us.

  7. Lecia, catching up on all your fun! i am alittle behind the times here... AND oh my such fun pictures of your place in WV!!! I am sure you had a great time! OLM

  8. What wonderful memories you have in all of those antiques. Thanks for sharing your little bit of heaven with us. Take care, Janice

  9. It looks like you have some goodies tucked away! By the way....loved the doll! I gave it to my sister for her birthday, she was thrilled! Her husbands comment.."Oh no..is that another thing I'm going to have to take off the bed!" Dang straight buddy, lol!!!

  10. Oh I so love your old farmhouse!
    I will come back anytime..


  11. Wow, what a wonderful place! Your hard work will definitely pay off. Nice prims waiting for the perfect spot for you to place them. Enjoy that little gem you have!


  12. Hey there my long lost friend! Love these pictures and happy that you two got away for the weekend. Don't let Mike and Frank see all those goodies or they'll be knockin' on your door and want to go "Pickin!"
    What a beautiful place you have to get away to!
    Been thinking of you, just been going straight out, then last two days dealing with vertigo again!
    Take care.
    hugz and blessings~

  13. Thanks for sharing! Looks like a great place to be!


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