Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back at some of my creations this past year

I got some family pictures developed last week and decided to develope some of my craft pictures

 that I made this past year.

 I kinda amazed myself. Of course I have made many bonnets and some stitcheries, but it

was probably fall when I started making some other things, I will show just a few pictures. I am excited

about the new year  and want to learn how to do even more things this year. And it would have never

been possible without the helpful tips and encouragement of my wonderful blogging friends. Thank You All!

Wishing everyone a Happy and safe New Year!

Surprise in the mail!

I received a wonderful surprise in the mail from a fellow blogger from Canada.Trish, "The Boyd Homestead Farm"

She sent me the most wonderful candle that she made in the cutest mason jar. It's scent is  Country

Christmas! Thank you Trish, you are so sweet and a wonderful prim friend.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Surprise in the Mail

I just love my blogger friends, and a very special friend Trish "Dusty Tattered Cupboard Doors"

sent me a wonderful package of ornies that she made. She is so talented and  is a very sweet friend.

My Christmas tree has no theme, my ornies are things that my kids made me when they were in

school and ornies from friends. Thank you for thinking of me Trish, I love the ornies, and each year

that I put up my tree as I put on these ornies I will think of you!!!!!!

I am also having a make an offer sale on my selling blog, check it out selling blog

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas my prim friends!

I have made so many wonderful friendships through blogging. I want to wish each of you a very Merry

Christmas. I am sharing a photo of me and my three sisters when we were small. I was five,

Annabel 3 and the twins Lena and Lina babies.

  My sisters and I can't get together on Christmas so we have this little tradition of drinking

our coffee Christmas morning out of this coffee mug that we each have and we think of

each other on Christmas.

  I remember the fun we had growing up, being in the Christmas programs at church,

going in the woods looking for a Christmas tree, going to Grandma's, gettting little flannel

night gowns and twirling around the room like a bunch of little princesses, and singing Christmas

carols to all of the animals on our farm. He He I am excited for today, my grandbabies are coming

for breakfast and to open gifts, I can't wait to see their little faces.

  Enjoy your family today and cherish all of your wonderful memories and remember

that Jesus is the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa already stopped at my house today!

I love the pinkeeps with sleighs on them. I asked my friend Brenda "Pine Tree Prims" if she would make

me a sleigh stitchery and frame it. She said that she would, and not only did she make me the framed

stitchery but she sent me a pinkeep to match and  a Valentines' one also.

  I could just cry, I love everything sooooo much. My blogger friends are awesome and keep

me spoiled. Thank you Brenda, from the bottom of my heart!  Merry Christmas!

Look how everything is wrapped so pretty, and such a pretty card!

Look at the beautiful Sleigh framed print and pin keeps!!!

What beautiful work!!!

I love, love this, it is prim perfect!!!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I received  some wonderful Christmas cards from my awesome blogger friends and I want to thank

you and wish you a Merry Christmas. I want to especially thank Cyndy "crafty stitchers"  , she

sent me the cutest ornie with her card. Red little long johns.

 I am still working today is my last day until after Christmas, I am so busy like everyone else.

It is a family tradition for us to take our kids and grandbabies out to eat for Christmas,  I will just show

some random family photo's. Wishing all of my wonderful friends a Merry Christmas, until next time,


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blogger in need of our help

There is a fellow blogger that needs our help. She is going through a financial hardship.

Traci of  is having a silent auction to help.

I am adding one of my primitive bonnets  to the giveaway.

  I don't know if you have ever walked down that road, but I have and I know exactly what

she is going through. Christmas can be a hard time for some people and can be very depressing.

And lots of times the ones that need help go in silence just hurting on the inside and are too proud

to ask for help.
  I will tell you my little story, it was the Christmas of 1982, my children were 2 years and 4 months old.

My husband had just gotten a job in the coal mines of WV. A really good job by the way,

we had moved 6 hours away from my family and I was homesick and didn't have any friends.

He had worked in the mines 3 months and got laid off.  We actually didn't have a dollar to spend on

Christmas. It was really a poverty area and so many people had lost their jobs.  My husband

actually went to the "Salvation Army" for help. I was way toooo proud. He got a wonderful box

of  food for a wonderful Christmas dinner and one new toy and one used toy for our kids,

and they were toys that probably cost $3.00. at that time. Do you know how terrible that it is

not to be able to spend a dollar on Christmas or to not be able to buy your kids a gift.

 I remember crying and thinking how will I ever say this is a good Christmas. Well my parents and Ronnie's

parents got gifts for the children and we had such a lovely meal. I will never forget that Christmas and  am

thankful for it now. And it truly makes me sympathize with people who are hurting now.

I know having my family was the most important thing, but is was something about not being

able to buy my kids a gift.

   Now I  never pass one of those salvation army buckets without at least putting in some change.

And I say a little prayer for the family that it will help, that are maybe in a situation that I was in years ago.

Here is a picture of the bonnet I am donating, thank you Traci for doing this and thinking of a fellow

blogger in time of need.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Arrangement and Giveaway Prize

Sheila and I of "Seasons of thy Heart" had a swap. She made me one of her awesome arrangements.

I told her to surprise me and is it ever gorgeous!!! She also sent me the cutest mittens and candle tarts.

Sheila's arrangements are the best and they always smell so good.

Traci of"York Mountain Primitives: Is having a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.

I was the winner of day number 3. I won the cutest prim pillow and Christmas ornie.

Traci is an awesome crafter. I am so proud to call both of the ladies my friends.

Thank you Sheila and Traci.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Things I finally have finished!

I had several crafts laying around the house partly finished. I finally finished them up. Now I can concentrate

on Christmas cards, baking, wrapping and I am making little calendars to give my hair clients for

Christmas. Here is some of the things I have finished.

An Olde Homestead Barn Pattern

I think this was a Crows Roost primitives pattern,
it called for a top hat, I decided to add a toboggan.

Blue Moon Beginnings pattern

An Olde Homestead Barn pattern

My primitive saltbox pattern

Chestnut Junction pattern, I added the bonnet and pantilooms.

A made up pattern.
These two prairie girls I had a special order for.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Running into another blogging friend!

Yesterday I happened to be off both jobs, so I finished up some crafts that I have been working on.

I will share those pictures later. I had to take a break, I get frustrated stuffing body parts, so I decided

to ride over to Jean of "Prim Crafts" Shop. She always has the best prim goodies and really reasonable

prices. I was wanting everything. But told myself I would only get one little treasure. She had a Santa

with tea light that I fell in love with. Well it just so happend that Jean came to her booth, we were

talking about her little prairie doll and soldier journal that she has listed on her blog. Both totally

awesome by the way. That journal looks soooo authenic and the prairie doll the cutest!

 Well what did Jean do, put took the price tag off of the prairie doll and gave her to me, she

said she was going to hang it on my door anyway. I could have just cried. I am so fortunate

to have such awesome prim friends. I love her Jean. I feel so blessed to live near Jean,

I feel like her and I have known each other for years. She is the sweetest and most caring, talented

person!! If you ever get the chance stop by her shop or visit her blog.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meeting a fellow blogger!

I was fortunate enough to attend the Christmas craft show at explo land in Fishersville, Va.

It was awesome, so many wonderful prims. I was thrilled to be able to meet, Tina of "The Burlap Owl"

her prims are awesome, but so much better even in person. I bought me a snowman girl and one of

her dolls. This is my Christmas gift to myself. He He Tina, is a lovely talented lady, it was wonderful

to meet her. I wanted to buy so many things, but after all the pondering, decided on something from Tina.