Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Surprise in the Mail

I just love my blogger friends, and a very special friend Trish "Dusty Tattered Cupboard Doors"

sent me a wonderful package of ornies that she made. She is so talented and  is a very sweet friend.

My Christmas tree has no theme, my ornies are things that my kids made me when they were in

school and ornies from friends. Thank you for thinking of me Trish, I love the ornies, and each year

that I put up my tree as I put on these ornies I will think of you!!!!!!

I am also having a make an offer sale on my selling blog, check it out selling blog


  1. There are so many wonderful Blog Friends out there - I'm glad that each of us gets to experience the goodness of these friends.
    I'm off to visit your selling blog.
    And by the way...I'm closing my POPULAR SELLING BLOG the end of the month so you may take the logo off of your blogs.
    Thanks so much for joining in this past year.

    Happy New Year

  2. I love the "family" theme tree. That's what we have too. All the kids ornaments, ones with memories, and such. Blogging friends are wonderful. -Steph-

  3. Lecia, I so hope you had a most wonderful christmas!!! Love your surprise box!!!! Blogging friends are the best! OLM

  4. What a pleasant surprise. Bloggers certainly are the kindest and most generous people I've ever met. The best thing I've done in years was to start blogging.

  5. Fun ornies, Lecia....what a sweet gift. Mixed memory trees are the best I think....That's why I have so "much" Christmas - I just can't bear to part with anything that was gifted, and look forward to displaying it year after year. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Hi Lecia

    Glad you enjoyed the little surprise ...
    Wishing a wonderful Winter Day.....
    Have checked your Selling Blog emailing
    Bug Hugs.. Sweet Prim Friend !!!


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