Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Running into another blogging friend!

Yesterday I happened to be off both jobs, so I finished up some crafts that I have been working on.

I will share those pictures later. I had to take a break, I get frustrated stuffing body parts, so I decided

to ride over to Jean of "Prim Crafts" Shop. She always has the best prim goodies and really reasonable

prices. I was wanting everything. But told myself I would only get one little treasure. She had a Santa

with tea light that I fell in love with. Well it just so happend that Jean came to her booth, we were

talking about her little prairie doll and soldier journal that she has listed on her blog. Both totally

awesome by the way. That journal looks soooo authenic and the prairie doll the cutest!

 Well what did Jean do, put took the price tag off of the prairie doll and gave her to me, she

said she was going to hang it on my door anyway. I could have just cried. I am so fortunate

to have such awesome prim friends. I love her Jean. I feel so blessed to live near Jean,

I feel like her and I have known each other for years. She is the sweetest and most caring, talented

person!! If you ever get the chance stop by her shop or visit her blog.


  1. Wow! How nice was that. It is so much fun to meet fellow bloggers. I have been blessed to meet a few and I truly mean blessed. TFS the doll is a cutie.

  2. Love that tea-light Santa! I sewed a bunch of dollie body parts at the craft show - seeing your gift from Jean makes me want to put them together now! Prim girlfriends are the best! Enjoy your day! ~*~Lisa

  3. Awe, thank you Lecia. It was my pleasure to see you and gift you the doll.
    I'm blessed to have sweet friends like you.
    Happy Holidays,

  4. What a wonderful gift. She is beautiful. I am glad you have been able to have such a good friend in her. -Steph-

  5. Hi Lecia~

    What a wonderful thing for Jean to do!! Enjoy your new prairie doll!! Jean is such a sweet lady~but then again~so are you. Glad you live so close together.

    Have a beautiful day~Becky

  6. Hi, Lecia I always forget how close you and Jean are to each other. I wish I could pop over and visit some of my blogging friends. I saw her little doll and journal on her blog the other night and was really interested in the journal, especially since my Great-Great-Great Uncle fought in the Civil War for the South (or as my southern relatives call it, the War of Northern Oppression!)I want to order it now that you've said how realistic
    it looks in person.
    The real spirit of Christmas and true friend-
    ship is what Jean did for you when she took off the tag from the dolly!
    Warm Holiday Wishes,

  7. Afternoon Lecia.
    Well this was one fun 'friend' week for you wasn't it?
    And Jean was just so sweet to give you the are blessed to have such a great friend.


  8. Hi Lecia,
    Love your new doll and Santa!! How fun that you and Jean live so close to one another.
    Can't wait to see what you've been working on.

  9. Lecia, How nice of Jean to gift you with the prairie doll and to get to visit with her as well.
    I love the Santa you purchased, he is so prim.
    Country at heart

  10. Awwww - how sweet of Jean - and what a sweet little doll! Makes it all the more special when you see her, you will think of Jean and her kindness. Love that little Santa guy too!!! How cute is that?! Wish you both lived closer to me!! Have a great evening!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Oh how sweet was that!!! It is so true...look at what you were just telling me today about giving the kids a hug when you can..just knowing their home life may not be that great. You give with your heart...and it gives right back to you!!! You are lucky to have met some of your blogging friends!!! Katie

  12. Blogging friends are the best! Meeting them is even better. I have been blessed to meet so many. :)

    Your snowman and Prairie Doll are the cutest!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  13. Oh, they are both adorable! Jean is very talented and always crafting up a storm. I wish I had her creating energy or yours! You both amaze me with the wonderful handmades that you are constantly showing on your blogs. How nice that you live so close, I would love to find a prim blog friend close to me.


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