Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blogger in need of our help

There is a fellow blogger that needs our help. She is going through a financial hardship.

Traci of  is having a silent auction to help.

I am adding one of my primitive bonnets  to the giveaway.

  I don't know if you have ever walked down that road, but I have and I know exactly what

she is going through. Christmas can be a hard time for some people and can be very depressing.

And lots of times the ones that need help go in silence just hurting on the inside and are too proud

to ask for help.
  I will tell you my little story, it was the Christmas of 1982, my children were 2 years and 4 months old.

My husband had just gotten a job in the coal mines of WV. A really good job by the way,

we had moved 6 hours away from my family and I was homesick and didn't have any friends.

He had worked in the mines 3 months and got laid off.  We actually didn't have a dollar to spend on

Christmas. It was really a poverty area and so many people had lost their jobs.  My husband

actually went to the "Salvation Army" for help. I was way toooo proud. He got a wonderful box

of  food for a wonderful Christmas dinner and one new toy and one used toy for our kids,

and they were toys that probably cost $3.00. at that time. Do you know how terrible that it is

not to be able to spend a dollar on Christmas or to not be able to buy your kids a gift.

 I remember crying and thinking how will I ever say this is a good Christmas. Well my parents and Ronnie's

parents got gifts for the children and we had such a lovely meal. I will never forget that Christmas and  am

thankful for it now. And it truly makes me sympathize with people who are hurting now.

I know having my family was the most important thing, but is was something about not being

able to buy my kids a gift.

   Now I  never pass one of those salvation army buckets without at least putting in some change.

And I say a little prayer for the family that it will help, that are maybe in a situation that I was in years ago.

Here is a picture of the bonnet I am donating, thank you Traci for doing this and thinking of a fellow

blogger in time of need.


  1. Thank you for your donation and caring, Lecia! Holiday Hugs, Traci

  2. Lecia thank you for sharing your story and being so generous!It is wonderful to know that in this materialistic world that true caring people still do exist.God Bless and Merry Christmas,Jen

  3. Lecia I'm reading your story with tears streaming down my face. As a Mom, we all want our children to have a wonderful Christmas. Isn't it funny those memories are so clear...yet the ones where our children have more than enough...aren't as clear? Have a wonderful blessed Christmas! Katie

  4. Lecia Love the bonnet and what Traci is doing!!!
    I have been blessed in my like but have many around me that have not, we tryt o give back as much as we can. Christmas is the hardest of them all. Hugs! OLM

  5. Very generous of you Lecia - and Traci is a dearheart for organizing and starting this all. I think many of us have had those "hand-to-mouth" times in our lives - and you're right, for those of us who have "been there," it hits home all the more clearly. Hugs & Blessings ~ Robin

  6. Lecia~ Beautiful contribution ~your story touched my heart, when we are in the moment of bad times financial & sickness for the Holidays~ we would never think at that time we would remember them so vividly & hold them so close to our hearts( but oh, we do~ don't we)
    hugs to you ~ the auction is going to a kind gal~

  7. Hi, Lecia, your story touched my heart. I too have been in that situation. Many years, actually the last few years. But there is love here in our tiny little family and it's ok. It was very kind of you to donate your bonnet. I'm sure this is going to be a huge success for this family in need.
    Merry Christmas,

  8. Bless you Lecia!! Traci is doing a wonderful thing and so are you.

    Merry Christmas my dear friend~Becky

  9. Hi Lecia,
    I saw this on other blogs...what a nice thing to do. I pray they get some really high bids to help out.
    Your bonnet is darling! Very kind of you.

    I love the arrangement in the prior post! How very pretty and it looks sweet on your cute Penny Rug!!!

  10. Tender hearted story Lecia, So can relate as well ....many blessings to
    you for your kindness and compassion for others
    Praying the Auction is huge success.. The True
    Spirit of Christmas is giving to others in
    need..You are a very kind loving person with
    a generous heart Lecia ... Bonnet is adorable
    Christmas Blessings

  11. What a heartfelt story. It brings tears to my eyes. I can definately relate. My husband is WV coal miner. He is an underground electrician and while it pays very well you never know from one day to the next if he will have a job. It is so thoughtfull of you to donate one of your wonderful bonnets. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!

  12. Yes, that is very sweet of Traci! And sweet of you to donate one of your wonderful bonnets.

    What a sad story, Lecia. You brought tears to my eyes. Even in the bad times, God is there to see that our needs are met!


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