Friday, August 12, 2011

New things that I have made!

What a process it is to making prim dolls I just finished up another candle mat and two more pumpkin dolls,

I will call them Jackie and Jillian. I have a new appreciation for doll designers. I used a sweetmeadows

farm pattern for the round doll heads, but I enlarged them. And also Jillian's dress, but the arms and legs and

bodies and Jackie's clothes I just drew myself. I sanded some areas so much that we have a few holes present

but I love that time worn look. Awhile back Pam from "Baskets n Prims" and I had a swap ,

she gave me some fabric and I used Pam's fabric to make Jackie and Jillian's clothes. Thank you Pam!

I also want to add that I recently bought some patterns from Mandy "Bittersweetfolkart Primitives"

I did the pumpkin dolls facial features similiar to her Pumpkin Jack. Check out Mandy's patterns,

she makes such awesome prims.I just recently bought one of her witches and will show her off on my blog soon.

Here they are, my first pumpkin couple

Body parts everywhere. I don't have a craft room.

don't they look better with some color added.
I mixed different colors together to get a dull orange color.

Coffee stained and hanging to dry.

My very first witches hat, I just made up the pattern, my little candy corn piece for Jillian's necklace and my first every pumpkin.

I sanded and grunged the dolls, for the time worn look.

I put so much vanilla and cinnamon on them that they sure smell yummy. He He

  Pumpkin Jillian!!!

Pumpkin Jackie! I added a tea light to the pumpkin that Jackie is holding.

My newest candle mat stitchery.


  1. Oh my goodness!They are just adorable!Great job sweetie!Have a wonderful weekend!Big hugs michelle

  2. You did a terrific job on them. They are perfect. Now, you will be hooked on doll making!!!!!

  3. Oh my, you sure have been busy!Where do you find the time? They look wonderful!! Great job and your candle mat is sweet too :) You all have so much more talent than I!! I really need to learn to sew :)
    Have a wonderful weekend Lecia!!
    Hugs, Trish

  4. Wow!
    They are wonderful!!!
    Great job.

  5. Oh my gosh Lecia, you did a "Primtastic" Job on Jillian and Jackie!!! They may be alot of work, but the end results makes it all worth while. You did such a great job, and one would never know this is only your second set. I love your new candle mat also. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.....Big Hugs Mary

  6. Lecia,
    Love your pumpkin dolls!! They are so cute!! And what an adorable candle mat!! I can't wait for Fall to get here. It helps that I'm working on candy corn mice and pumpkins.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Goodness sakes alive! You are becoming my hero! Is there anything you won't try? I guess not! Keep up the good work. I know what a feeling of satisfaction you must have. Love it all! I'm going to attempt a candle mat. Yep. I am.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet friend!

  8. Oh how great they are. I love making dolls and these two are so inspiring. Just not enough hours in the days!!

  9. OH my, they are just the cutest pumpkin couple ever!! You did a great job on them!!! I love the little candle mat too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. So much little details.Prim Perfect! You have so much talent.Hugs!~Amy

  11. Your pumpkin dolls turned out great. Now your hooked on doll making for sure. Love them.
    I love your candle mat too. You are way ahead of me in decorating for fall. By the time I get started it will be Christmas.
    Nice job.
    Country at heart

  12. Hi there~
    I LOVE them!! They are just the cutest pumpkin couple ever..I did actually laugh out loud though, when I saw the pic of them hanging upside down from the clothes line hehe, for some reason that just cracked me up. The little candy corn necklace is adorable!!
    Did I say I loved them? lol
    Have a great day~Stacy

  13. I think you did a beautiful job! Love them!

  14. Oh, Lecia ~ I love them. They turned out perfect! You have so much talent, I love all of the little details. have a great weekend.

  15. Lecia, you dolls turned out GREAT! Love Sweet Meadows Farm & Bittersweet Folkart Primitives! So did your candlemat-now you have to try more dolls! (peer pressure...heee heee!) Love your "in progress" pics too, very inspiring, thanks and have a fun weekend! ~*~Lisa

  16. Love them Lecia!! Great job!!


  17. Prim perfect creations, Lecia!! They're so stinkin' cute!!! But, I agree with Stacy - that picture of them hanging upside down on the line made me giggle....How cute is that?!! I surely say, we're going to be seeing these all over blogland soon - they're wonderful!!! Love your little candle mat too!! You're so gifted, my friend!!! Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  18. Lecia, Your prim pumpkin dolls and candle mat turned out wonderful!
    Prim Blessings

  19. Love your pumpkin couple, they are so cute!!!!


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