Monday, August 15, 2011

New Pumpkin Dolls

I have been enjoying a few days off this summer and had planned on doing some extensive house cleaning.

 But one of my friends gave me just the advice I needed to hear. Now these are words of wisdom, "she said,

I really need to clean my house, but there are things I would rather do." So I took those words to heart and

made crafts and let my extensive housework go. He He But I have enjoyed my summer.

  Here are a few more pumpkin dolls that I have made,

This is a couple set, Jack and Jill,
I used a country stitches pattern.

Pumpkin Jill

Pumpkin Jack

This is a Sweetpeas Primitive pattern, that
was in the 2010 Merchantile Gatherings Magazine.


  1. So glad you let the housework go & had some fun sewing. Love your dolls, they turned out awesome!

  2. Oh Lecia, I need to take your advice on letting the house work go for a bit...but than again, with our large family of 7, plus 2 dogs and 3 cats...well you wouldn't want to see our house after just one week, lol. So happy that you are enjoying your summer and getting to do the things you enjoy! Your pumpkin dolls are adorable!! I love the newest bonnet that just arrived today, perfect in every way :)
    Have a wonderful evening,
    Hugs, Trish

  3. Love your new pumpkin dolls!! I would rather make dolls any day than do the housework...sounded like a great plan to me!! LOL...

  4. Holy cats!! You're becoming a pumpkin folk factory!!! How do you do it??!! It's take me a month of Sundays to get one of those done!! And each is as cute as the next!! Adorable!! Now you're gonna have to come up with some pumpkin folk with bonnets! ;o) Have a great week...and hey - there's always things I'd RATHER do than housework....and you know what? Folks adjust! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. wow Lecia you've been busy...nice job!!

  6. Great advice! Do what you love to do. The housework will always be there. My husband gets mad at me sometimes because I would rather create than do housework he said we have 7 rooms in this house if you clean one room a day by the end of the week the house will be clean! Yeah right but then I have to start all over again. I'd rather create!!!
    Your creations are wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing
    Prim Blessings

  7. I am glad you skipped the housework and made dolls instead!! They are just tooo cute!!

  8. Ah! I like Robin's idea Lecia! Pumpkin-folk with your bonnets! Love your Jack & Jill (and the fact you chose creating over cleaning! LOL! ~*~Lisa

  9. Lecia,
    I am always amazed by your talent. I do agree with Robin--need to see one with a bonnet!:)
    Housework is something that never goes away. It will always be there!

  10. Lecia, so glad you are enjoying your Summer and having fun in the process! Love your new creations....I agree with everyone,you can do housework anytime, as it will always be there waiting for you. Might as well create while those creative juices are flowing! heheh
    Enjoy your week and have fun!
    Big Hugs Mary

  11. Ok, I need to make some of those cute dolls. I swear the pumpkin couple is soo cute. If I thought I could make those instead of housework I would too. Good job. -Steph-

  12. Hi Lecia~

    Looks like a lot more fun than housework!! Great job on the dolls!!


  13. Oh Lecia- those pumpkin dolls sure are sweet!!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment!!


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