Friday, August 19, 2011

Surprise in the mail and a special little boys Birthday!

I just love my blogging friends, I was going though a few bumps in the road awhile back, as we

all do at times. And OML Marie, "Primitives form Olde Lady Morgan" sent me a little surprise in the mail.

Marie sent me one of her pumpkins. I love it Marie and it touched my heart so much to know that

you have been thinking of me. Check out Marie's blog, she is  one awesome crafter!

 And now I want to show a few pictures of my littlest grandson "Jake Liam's" birthday celebration.

He is just soooo cute and  the sweetest little guy. Whatever I do for him he always says, "Thank-you Maw".

Jake turned 2 on August 13th. He was just so proud of his cake and toys and his cousins being here

with him.

Look at that Happy little face, he is the man of honor!!!!

my son Luke and Jake

Oh such goodies!!!

Jake and Cole

Riley, Jake and Steph, and Logan, the neighbor.

Steph, my daughter and Jake. Happy Birthday Jake!!


  1. Lecia, Marie is so sweet and makes the best prims. Jake is adorable, we just had Koko turn two on Aug. 10th. Happy Birthday to him, looks like he had lots of fun. What a nice looking family you have. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Love the birthday pics! Happy boy. :)
    Marie's pumpkin is awesome, too! She is just so sweet!

  3. Such a sweet Maw you are! Your grandbabies are adorable.Hugs!~Amy

  4. What a sweet little boy and so darn cute too! Our grandbabies are growing quickly. Ours have birthdays next month.
    Love that prim pumpkin Marie sent you. Hope all is well with you. Sorry to hear you fell in a slump-think we fell in about the same time......
    life has a way of doing that once in a while.
    Take care and hugz.
    I'll get with you on the fall arrangement soon.

  5. What a sweetheart your little guy is! Your pumpkin from OLM is prefectly prim - enjoy your weekend Lecia! ~*~Lisa

  6. Good morning Lecia, you have such a beautiful family! Your grandbaby is so precious, he looks likes he's really enjoing his Birthday! Love the cake, so cute!! So glad you are doing much better, isn't it so nice to have such great blogging friends to brighten our days! Marie does such awesome work, how lucky are you to have one of her awesome pumpkins.... :)
    Sending you smiles and sunshine.
    Big Hugs Mary

  7. what a sweetie OLM that pumpkin..and Luke is just adorable..have a great weekend.;) love your new blogger background too..;)

  8. Hi Lecia~

    Love your pumpkin from Marie!! She sure is a sweetie (when she's not teasing!!) Happy Belated Birthday to that little cutie!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  9. Hi Leica
    Love the Fallish Blog Background..Great Job with your blog..Cute little pumpkin guy you got in the mail,You are so blessed with some awesome blog buddies :-)
    Jake is little sweetie pie, Enjoyed seeing all
    family photo's again oh how those grandbabies
    are growing up.. Thanks for Sharing
    Many Blessings / Hugs Ladybug

  10. Oh hes such a cutie pie!Another gorgeous cake!Love your punkin!Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!Big hugs michelle

  11. Love the pumpkin Marie sent you. Looks like a nice birthday party for the kids. Glad you all had fun.
    Country at heart

  12. You have a beautiful family Maw....Jake is a doll...his joy so, so, precious! Love your OLM pumpkin!! Aren't they just the cutest dang things?? And the expression on yours looks like he is a perfect companion and knows exactly how you're feeling....Love it. Hope there are brighter days ahead Lecia my friend....Smiles & Big Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Hi Lecia,
    What a cute pumpkin! Aren't blogging friends the best!! Looks like everyone had a great time at Jake's birthday party!
    Have a great weekend.

  14. WOW! Looks like Jake had a wonderful birthday!!!! I am glad you are enjoying your little pumpkin, my friend!!! OLM


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