Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awesome goodies in the mai!l

I was fortunate enough to be one of the lucky winners of the PAFA giveaway that they recently had.

There were so many wonderful prizes by so many wonderful artists given. I was really tickled to find out

that I had won the prize made by Brenda of The Rusty Thimble . I received the cutest Gingerbread man

and Brenda added a beautful pillow made from a beautiful vintage quilt. Please check out both of these

blogs and thank you Brenda I love everything, I have one of Brenda's rabbits and let me tell you Brenda

does awesome work and is one talented crafter.


  1. Nice goodies Lecia. You are so lucky. Hugs, Janice-Black Creek Primitives

  2. Hi Lecia, Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and posting it on your blog. I love your blog . You do beautiful work. Thanks again and good luck!! Denise

  3. You lucky gal! Great stuff! Thanks for visiting me always, I enjoy your friendship Lecia!
    Have a good night.

  4. Hello Lecia~

    Love your goodies from Brenda!! You are one lucky lady!!

    Enjoy your evening~Becky

  5. Hi Lecia,
    Love the goodies that you got from Brenda. Soooo...cute!!!

  6. Brenda is one amazing and talented lady, isn't she?? I'm blessed to own a few of her pieces (including my wonderful rabbit!)....Congratulations on your win - both the ginger and the pillow are as sweet as can be!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Hi Lecia ! Congrats on the win ! Love the great goodies from Brenda!That gingerbread is so cute. Have a great night.Hugs,Jen

  8. Hi Lecia! What cute giveaways you won! Lucky you :) If I only had such luck, lol. Hope you have a great night!
    Hugs, Trish

  9. love your goodies :) So cute!


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