Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things I have been working on.

I managed to finish two bonnets, just love this fabric, I love the way it looks so old timey. And another Spring candle mat. The bonnets are approx. 22" long and $18.00 each, the candle mat is approx. 9" and $12.00.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Think Spring!

Today we are getting snow, but in my mind I am thinking of Spring, of the birds singing and the grass getting green, the little baby calves and lambs hopping around in the fields and of beautiful flowers.

Here is a few pictures of my clematis' that I had last year.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I was winner of Char's Spring giveaway!!! "The Pickled Peppered Patch"  http://charsethman.blogspot.com/  . I won this awesome tart warmer and all these wonderful tarts. They smell so yummy! Thank you Char for hosting such an awesome giveaway!!!
 I love everything!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My First Prairie Doll shelf sitter dolls and giveaway prize.

My very first prairie doll, A simple faceless doll.

A chestnut junction pattern

Two more shelf sitter dolls. I am having fun making these. I think I need to coffee stain them more. Oh well another day,,,,,,

This is a prize I won from  Dawn http://auntdeedeesdesigns.blogspot.com/   Aren't they the cutest!!! Thank you Dawn. Check out her awesome blog.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prairie Shelf Sitters and new bonnet!

I have been working alot, so I don't have too much time for crafting. I did get another bonnet made and have started a stitchery. But I did want to post pictures of two shelf sitter dolls that I have made for swaps and my new bonnet..

  I kinda made up the pattern for the shelf sitters myself, I was quite pleased with how they turned out. I was going to keep one for me, but seems like I don't keep my own things. He He

Winner of Pickle Peppered Patch Giveaway!!

I have been in prim heaven lately. Participating in some awesome swaps and I have been so blessed to have won some giveaways.
I was blogging and see where I have won Char's surprise giveaway http://charsethman.blogspot.com/
she is giving away a beautiful tart warmer and some of her awesome tarts that she makes, I can smell them now. Thank you Char for hosting this giveaway.
I am getting close to 200 followers, I will be having a giveaway to celebrate that!!! I am pondering on what it will be.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Swap Goodies from Becky!!!

  Becky http://primitivesnstitchin.blogspot.com/  and I did a swap on our own, I first met Becky when last year we participated in a textile swap that Char, Pickle Peppered Patch hosted. Becky was my first ever blogging swap partner.
We have since bonded and have become special friends.
 She really spoils me when we have swaps, her talent way out does mine, I think she swaps with me because she feels sorry for me. He He
 I told her she has just about redecorated my house.
What is in this awesome box????

A breadboard with grubby candles, love it!

Wonderful Spring Flowers!!!

Such a gorgeous candle mat, love the colors!!!

She is toooo good, a little pillow with my bonnets hanging on the line!!! I love it Becky!!!

And another one, pictures don't do justice, these are so special!!!

What a wonderful Spring pocket holder, look at the stitchery, bunny and peep. The cutest eggs are in the pocket!!! She is really spoiling me!!

She made me a little Lilly angel, in memory of my dog Lilly that passed away a few weeks ago. What a special way to honor Lilly, thank you Becky, I shed a couple tears, but happy tears!!
The cutest breadpan with Bunny and Eggs. Now I just love things like this, it is like Becky just knows what I like!!!

 I don't know where to start or how to thank you Becky, but I love, love everything. You are a special person and friend Becky!!

Candle mats!

I have been so busy and stressed beyond stress lately. Two of my BF's (sisters), lost their brother unexpectantly this week and I have been worried sick over my son's accident. He is improving everyday, he is very tired, but I told him that is normal, due to the trama his body has went through, and I have got called into work all week. Woo,

 I have missed my blogging friends, here is just a few candle mats I have recently made. Thank you for praying for my son, continue to pray that he won't have any complications. Love you, Lecia

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Swap goodies from The Calico Rabbit!!

First I want to thank all of my dear blogging friends for the awesome words of encouragement and prayers for my sons full recovery! I wish I could just give each of you a big hug. He continues to improve.
I Praise the Lord for this!!!! He could have been killed or the tree limb could have hit my grandson.

  I have been wanting to post pictures of the awesome swap goodies that I received from Keri, http://thecalicorabbit.blogspot.com/     Char  http://charsethman.blogspot.com/   hosted a spring swap, and Keri really spoiled  me. She gave me a Basil rabbit that she made, I saw him on her blog and was really wanting him sooooo bad, but didn't want to ask her. He He I think she knew that I did.
 She sent me a beautiful paddle board that she made, I love the color. A beautiful bird make-do, and Spring time pillow that she made, she does such awesome work. A rabbit cutter, so cute and beautiful kitchen towel.

 Keri sure spoiled me rotten, I love everything so much, Keri was an awesome swap partner, please check out her blog. She has a wonderful blog, with lots of  tutorials. Thanks you Keri, it was so much fun!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Please pray for my son Luke

 Sunday eve. my son Luke was swinging in a swing that we had in one of our trees. The limb snapped  falling

 on his head.

 It was at least 12" around and 12 feet long. It knocked him unconscious and cut a big gash in his head.

 We called the squad, when he came too, he was very disoriented and  couldn't see.  The hospital did an

MRI and EKG and he received 12 staples. All tests came back good and he regained his sight and  became

orientated . I am so appreciative and thankful to the Lord for this!!!

Please pray that he doesn't have any complications from this accident and a full recovery.

 He is thirty years old, but he is still my baby. And he is the most wonderful dad, I am so proud of him.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wonderful giveaway from The Rusty Thimble!

OMG look what I received in the mail today, Mr. Rabbit!!!!!

  . I was so tickled to find out that I won Brenda http://therustythimble.blogspot.com/    giveaway!!!! He is

the cutest!!! I keep setting him in different spots to

see where he would look best. I have just come to the conclusion that he looks good anywhere.

 Thank-you Brenda, I love him!!! Please check out Brenda's blog, she is an awesome crafter, you will love

her things!!!! Look at his cute hat and darling clothes. I love the sunflower, I think he is going to like it here!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Swap Goodies!!!

  I did a swap with Michelle, of Grannys Pantry, http://michellefincham.blogspot.com/ . She makes

awesome penny rugs.

   I just took some quick pictures,  look at this wonderful penny rug, 2 candle mats and gooseberry patch

cookbook I keep thinking where is the perfect spot to display her wonderful creations. Michelle is such a

sweet person, check out her blog, you won't be disappointed!!

 Thanks Michelle, I love everything!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Swap Goodies!!!

Today I received the most wonderful swap goodies from Sheila , http://seasonsofthyheart.blogspot.com/

  Sheila spoiled me  so much. I feel like I am in prim heaven. Shelia is so talented and was so good to me,

Sheila is a sweetheart. I knew I would love everything when I opened the box and could smell the awesome

smell. First look at this wonderful prim arrangement , so much detail, and it smells wonderful, I love it!!!

The arrangement is in the cutest container.
Look at these wonderful fabric eggs and grass, she sent me. They are beautiful!!!
OMG, this pin keep she made , I stuck it on my hoosier cabinet, so cute!! Wow, what a great idea Sheila
Carrott make do, on a spring!!! I am really getting ready for Spring!!!
The cutest bunny, I love his floppy ear.
Look at this wonderful keepsake box, it has such lovely fabric on it, and look inside, a pineapple waxed tart, flower pin and spring apron that she made, and it is lovely!!!
There was a beautiful note card inside that said open the gift wrapped in the tulip paper last, well I just cried like a baby when I opened this gift. Happy tears really, as you know I lost my dog Lilly a few weeks ago, and still miss her so much. Bless Sheila's heart she sent me the most lovely picture frame with doggy footprints in it. And I had to put Lilly's picture in the frame.
Thank you Shelia for thinking of me, what a way to remember my furbaby!!

Sheila, this was so much fun, I love, love everything, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Please check out her blog, she makes the most beautiful flower arrangements ever, and I never had any idea that she made all of these other things also.