Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things I have been working on.

I managed to finish two bonnets, just love this fabric, I love the way it looks so old timey. And another Spring candle mat. The bonnets are approx. 22" long and $18.00 each, the candle mat is approx. 9" and $12.00.


  1. Love those bonnets I've got to get me one soon and your mat is cute. You do such wonderful work.

  2. Lecia~

    Love the bonnets!! Great job on the candle mat too~so cute!!

    Have a great day~Becky

  3. Your tempting me with the darker bonnet...LoL..So Pretty.I have to get orginized and things in place before I buy more.Hugs!~Amy

  4. love the items you are working on..I don't hear from you much any more..I hope all is well.;)

  5. Lovely work :) Your blue bonnet is my favorite! How is Luke doing? My brother got his eye injured early this morning please remember him in your prayers. I am praying for Luke and the rest of your family!
    Prim Blessings,

  6. Lecia,

    Love the bonnets and the candle mat is sooo springy!


  7. Lecia, another set of wonderful set of bonnets!!!! OLM

  8. Hi Lecia... your bonnets are just beautiful

    I visited Jean's/Prim Crafts blog this morning, what a very sweet thing to do for her... Kuddos to you my dear!

    Blessings, Traci

  9. Beautiful bonnets!Your easter mat is pretty cute too!have a wonderful night.blessings and hugs michelle

  10. Lecia...ohhh you are so tempting. Love the bonnets. Especially the blue. Hmmm...I do still have a rocking chair that could use a bonnet hanging from it. I hope your doing better and your son too! Katie

  11. Loving the bonnets! I don;t collect them but they are really starting to grow on me! :) I think I might have to start!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  12. Lecia,

    Thank you for the sweet compliments about my creations !

    I love your bonnets and congrats for having your recipes printed in Gooseberry Patch ! I have a big collection of their books ! I will have to check for your recipes ..



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