Saturday, March 19, 2011

Candle mats!

I have been so busy and stressed beyond stress lately. Two of my BF's (sisters), lost their brother unexpectantly this week and I have been worried sick over my son's accident. He is improving everyday, he is very tired, but I told him that is normal, due to the trama his body has went through, and I have got called into work all week. Woo,

 I have missed my blogging friends, here is just a few candle mats I have recently made. Thank you for praying for my son, continue to pray that he won't have any complications. Love you, Lecia


  1. Lecia, I pray for Luke every day. I am also praying for Stephanie, and for your family in general. I will keep praying for Luke that God will give him healing and strength. Your candle mats are lovely.. can you tell me how I can start making some, do I need to find a pattern? I love yours.. and I love the beautiful one you sent me around Christmas.

    PS thank you for the sweet note on my blog.

  2. Lecia~

    Love the candle mats!! I see mine in the mix.

    Praying for your son!!

    Big hugs GF~Becky

  3. Prayers and Hugs ! Your candle mats are adorable. Hope your world is graced with sunshiine and good luck in the coming weeks. Hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  4. Your candle mat takes center stage on my dining table atop a treasured crocheted doily that a dear friend made for me many, many years ago! Two treasures one old, one new and very much loved.
    Continued prayers for you and your family.
    Hugz to ya~

  5. So sorry to read that you son was in an accident. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Also extending sympathy for the loss of your friends' brother.
    Your candle mats are beautiful.


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