Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Swap goodies from The Calico Rabbit!!

First I want to thank all of my dear blogging friends for the awesome words of encouragement and prayers for my sons full recovery! I wish I could just give each of you a big hug. He continues to improve.
I Praise the Lord for this!!!! He could have been killed or the tree limb could have hit my grandson.

  I have been wanting to post pictures of the awesome swap goodies that I received from Keri,     Char   hosted a spring swap, and Keri really spoiled  me. She gave me a Basil rabbit that she made, I saw him on her blog and was really wanting him sooooo bad, but didn't want to ask her. He He I think she knew that I did.
 She sent me a beautiful paddle board that she made, I love the color. A beautiful bird make-do, and Spring time pillow that she made, she does such awesome work. A rabbit cutter, so cute and beautiful kitchen towel.

 Keri sure spoiled me rotten, I love everything so much, Keri was an awesome swap partner, please check out her blog. She has a wonderful blog, with lots of  tutorials. Thanks you Keri, it was so much fun!!!


  1. Lecia,

    Glad that your son is improving with each passing hour and yes, thankfully your young grandson wasn't hurt...I don't even want to think about what could have happened.

    Neat goodies. Love Basil the bunny with his carrots...too prim! Swaps are so much fun to do.


  2. Lecia, so glad to know that your son is improving and I will continue to keep him in my prayers.
    Your swap goodies are beautiful. Love the rabbit too.
    Hope you have a great day my friend~

  3. Ooh..lucky gal! You got Basil! He's so adorable isn't he? Looks like Kerri was a real sweetheart to you. Great swap! Enjoy

  4. Lecia~

    Love all your swap goodies from Kerri!! She is a wonderful swap partner. Have a great day!!


  5. Glad your son is getting better. and love your swap goodies. Very nice.

  6. Glad to hear that your son is doing well Lecia...that's great! Love your swap goodies from lucky lady..she makes the most wonderful, love Basil!

  7. Wow, great spring pick-me-ups! Kerri is a talent for sure! You deserve to be spoiled! We all do!
    Glad your son is improving. My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family.

  8. too cute..hey there is a bunny on your looks like it has a little pack on its back with lavender..I just love it..can you tell me where you got it?

  9. Lecia, WOW!!! Love it all, but that little pin keep, super cute!!! OLM

  10. I hope this comment finds your son still well on the way to making a good recovery!

    Love your spring decor, it all looks so bright and cheery and what fantastic bonnets!

    Beautiful swap goodies, what a treat!


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