Sunday, September 26, 2010

An apron and bonnet I made for a friend.

This apron and bonnet set was made for a swap I did with my friend Pam Courtney Henry, I love her awesome display.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bonnet Pictures!!

I would like to share two bonnet photo's of my bonnets displayed in other crafters homes. I feel honored that these talented girls are displaying my bonnets with their awesome work!!!!

This is a shelf made by Denise  I love Denise's creations!!!

The next photo is from Wendy I love her dolls!!
I have to admit, those bonnets sure do look nice how they have them displayed!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bonnets, Bonnets, and more Bonnets!!

I have been sewing up a storm, making bonnets for etsy. These are the bonnets going through my grunging process. I saw the neighbor guy looking at them on the line. I wonder what he thought, especially since I don't think he is into prims!!!!! Like I have said before, we are a special breed!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Swap Items from "Olde Lady Morgan"

Today I received the most wonderful swap items from Marie,

I was like a child opening a Christmas gift.The swap was hosted by Char from,
 I just love everything that Marie got me, I feel she got the short end of the stick in the swap. I truly received the best goodies!!! I love everything Marie and I want to thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

Now the pictures: The box upon opening, and look at the cutest card.

Alright first are the pods from Marie's flower gardens, "Moon Flower" pods, I have always wanted them, now I can try them and think of Marie.

Now is a coverlet table cover, and I love this!!!! My first coverlet item, isn't it beautiful!!!!!

Awesome Pumpkins Marie made!!!
And the Candy Corn, made by Marie!!! So Cute!!!Look at this beautiful Candle Mat that she made!!!
And you have to smell this candle "Pumpkin Cheesecake", made by "The Blackberry Briar", I can't wait to burn it, it smells good enough to eat, just opening the jar!!!! I love everything Marie, thank-you from the bottom of my heart!!! This has been so much fun prim girlfriend!!!
   Isn't she talented!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Scarecrow!!

Today I went to my first craft show for this fall season, I just love the atmosphere and the beautiful colors for fall that are displayed and  the vendors with apple dumplings and fall goodies. Here is a picture of my scarecrow, isn't he cute!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I won this awesome giveaway!

I won these cute witches shoes from " Crows of Prim Hollow"". aren't they awesome!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Sofa Cover and Chair Rail

I have been wanting a new sofa cover for along time, but just couldn't see paying $100.00 for one. I found this one on clearance at Walmart for $45.00. And my son put up my chair Rail up for me. I am so proud. It is amazing what a piece of wood can do for a room.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gooseberry Patch

Gooseberry Patch

As most of you already know, I am a huge fan of "Gooseberry Patch", I think I own all of their spiral cookbooks and even have two which are signed by them. I sell them in my hair salon.

They share wallpaper (desktop), backgrounds for your computer. They are sharing some beautiful ones for fall. I thought you may enjoy them too!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Check out my ETSY

Alright, this is a first etsy listings for me. I have worked for hours and hours trying to list things on etsy. I took nice photo's and was in the middle of listing and my photo's were tooo large and wouldn't go through.(And I didn't know how to make them smaller). HELP< despiration>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I could have cried. So I listed the best way that I could. Please check out my etsy and here are some of the photo's that I was going to list on etsy. They really are nice photo's compared to what I could list. P.S. An uupdate, I received some emails to help me, I have it figured out a little better. Thanks to all my prim friends.

We Have A Winner!!!

I put all the names of the persons who entered my 100th. follower giveaway in a little bowl. Then I drew out a name,The WINNER is Cyndy of Crafty Stitchers  Cyndy please send me your address and I will get your cookbook out to you. I want to thank everyone who entered and for being a follower of my blog. Cyndy enjoy your cookbook!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Goodies Arrived in the Mail Today!!!

Today I received two packages in the mail from two of my prim friends. The first package was from my friend Denise It is an awesome soap dish, with candle and soap. Denise is so talented, check out her website, I want  one of each of  her things. The next package was  from Gina  Gina made me two awesome candle mats and some yummy room spray. I love the items that I received from these talented girls.