Saturday, September 4, 2010

Check out my ETSY

Alright, this is a first etsy listings for me. I have worked for hours and hours trying to list things on etsy. I took nice photo's and was in the middle of listing and my photo's were tooo large and wouldn't go through.(And I didn't know how to make them smaller). HELP< despiration>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I could have cried. So I listed the best way that I could. Please check out my etsy and here are some of the photo's that I was going to list on etsy. They really are nice photo's compared to what I could list. P.S. An uupdate, I received some emails to help me, I have it figured out a little better. Thanks to all my prim friends.


  1. Lecia
    I can help sent you email your Curtains are
    awesome ... Great Job
    Hugz... Trish-Ladybug

  2. oh I love what you have go girlfriend..I tried listing with some photos today as well and it said error in my listing..I use the same camera and I am not sure why the photos would be too large..I thought it only did one size anyway..and I can't figure out how to make them smaller either..guess I will have to take more photos..geez louise.;) have a great weekend.;)

  3. Etsy was having problems yesterday with that error coming up. If your pictures are too large, how I would resize them, if you have a microsoft based OS, you can use PAINT, it's under accessories and resize the photos that way. Make sure to rename the new photo(resized) one that you created something different ie. red checked curtains2. That way you still have your original.
    I have to resize some of the pictures that I have that were taken with my old camera occasionally and that's how I do it.

    You've got a great start to etsy. It can be a fun and maddening place to when you do and maddening when you don't. Key to success on etsy is to list often. Good luck.


  4. Good luck selling on etsy! Your items are lovely. There is a site that Optimizes your photos(makes them smaller). It gives you three or four different sizes and you just save the smallest one to your picture file. Hope this helps you.Here is the link to it:

  5. Thanks girls for helping me. I love my prim friends!!!


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