Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Scarecrow!!

Today I went to my first craft show for this fall season, I just love the atmosphere and the beautiful colors for fall that are displayed and  the vendors with apple dumplings and fall goodies. Here is a picture of my scarecrow, isn't he cute!


  1. Hi, thanks again for the cookbook, I love it and your scarecrow.

  2. Your scarecrow is so cute!! I went to my first craft show of the Fall season today too...went looking for Fall goodies, but purchased some fabric candycanes.LOL...

  3. Yes, he is so cute! Your whole blog reminds me of looking at a country magazine...just beautiful! Thanks for your visit :D

  4. Scarecrow so full of creative prim details
    great buy Lecia !!! Love all your Photos of
    the Country Farm House... Let Julie said your
    Blog is like a Country Magazine...
    Havrest Blessings Hugz...


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