Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bonnets, Bonnets, and more Bonnets!!

I have been sewing up a storm, making bonnets for etsy. These are the bonnets going through my grunging process. I saw the neighbor guy looking at them on the line. I wonder what he thought, especially since I don't think he is into prims!!!!! Like I have said before, we are a special breed!!!


  1. My neighbors think I'm nuts! One guy stopped and offered to teach me the proper way to use my power tools!
    Ha! to him I say.....Go Home!
    (I'm not stupid!) I use them a little differently than most folks.... Drills are for sanding....Right?

  2. How lovely! I think the colors are gorgeous!
    So satisfying seeing stuff dry on the line!

  3. OMG!!! Lecia, love them all!!! have a great day... I will email you later on growing details for the moonflowers! Off the the hostipal soon, mom actually might come home today, but I hope they give her one more day. OLM

  4. Everything looks so great at your etsy shop...Love it all....Hugs

  5. love your bonnets..and they look great hanging on the line..;)

  6. Lovely bonnets and maybe your neighbor thought he fell and hit his head and woke up in a different century, LOL!!!!

  7. Love all the bonnets...they look great hanging outside on the line!!

  8. Wonderful "bonnets" they look so fun on your clothes line!!Carolyn :)

  9. Lecia,
    Just drop by to see what you been creating
    Love all your "Bonnets" hanging on the clothes
    line like in the old settlers days..
    Thanks for all your thougthful comments and support with my New Blog Your a "Sweetie"
    My Sister In the Lord :_)
    Many Blessings to you
    hugz.. Trish-Ladybug

  10. Lecia, I am honored to own not 1 but 2 of your beautiful prairie bonnets. More than that, I am honored to be your friend. You are not only a blessing to me, but a true gift from God - a true Christian friend is just that.
    Thank you for everything you have done for me.


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.