Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break

This past week was Spring Break at school, so did I ever have a busy week, I did hair two days in my hair salon, had a Dr. appointment, went to visit my parents, got my car inspected and oil changed, went to an outlet mall and did manage to finish two small crafts. I made myself a Summer banner and I finished a penny rug project. What do you think??

fabric and wool

The backing is from an old army blanket

Banner has three layers burlap, fabric and muslin


  1. Love your creations :)

    Enjoy back to school.
    Take care, Janet W

  2. Hi Lecia! I have missed you! I would say you got a lot accomplished during spring break! I think both are really cute but I especially LOVE the banner! I am sure you are counting the days unti summer!
    Be blessed,


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