Monday, March 28, 2016

Busy as a Bee

In January my entire life changed. I took a full time nursing job at one of our local schools, and I didn't want to give up my hair business so I am doing that 2 evenings a week and Sat. I have to admit that is alot on my plate, especially with trying to do errands, laundry and keep my house half way clean. But I feel I am finally adjusting. I took the school job because I love the kiddies and I hope I can make a small difference in their lives. The plus to having a school job is having summers and holidays off plus snow days.
  Then my poor mom fell on Feb. 29th. and broke her hip, the same leg that she had a broken femur
3 years ago. The Dr. had to do surgery, take out the old rod, pins and screws and put in another one.
So after her hospital stay she had to go to rehab for a few weeks and finally got home Sat.
I think she was sent home too soon, but her insurance would only pay for so many days.
 I miss crafting so much, I will have to do my Christmas crafting this summer,
I was able awhile back to finish a penny rug, but that is all that I have been able to accomplish in crafting..
Yesterday my children and grandchildren were here for Easter, we had such a fun relaxing day.
 I cherish my family time. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!!! I will show a few pictures.
Wishing everyone a beautiful Spring.


  1. Sorry about your momma,I remember before it took so long for her to heal. I was thinking of you so glad to see a post. Missed grands are getting big. Hope you are enjoying a little spring your way!Hugs!~Amy

  2. Hi there, so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that she is doing better today and that she will be able to heal fast. I will pray for a fast recovery. :)
    Looks like you all had a fun Easter. Sweet pics. :)
    I'm glad that you are loving your job and the kiddos. Very rewarding.
    Will you show a pic of your penny rug? I have been wanting to make a set or two of penny coasters. I have a good pattern for them. I have been learning a lot with loom knitting and makes hats slippers and baby booties. :)
    I'd like to get better at it so that I can sell things. I could use a little extra income
    Well, I have to run. Take care, Janet W Hugs

  3. Happy Easter my friend. He is Risen!!!!Seems that we are both experiencing worries about our parents. My Mom is now in rehab after falling as well. She put a big gash in her head...but in a way, it was kinda a blessing, because the hospital has seen how unable she is to do things, and they sent her to rehab in an attempt to help her to regain some of her mobility. My Dad is coping as best he can, but he hasn't been feeling well either. Please pray for them and I will pray for your family as well! Hugs.

  4. Happy belated Easter,looks like you had a wonderful day! So sorry to hear of your Mom's fall, hope she makes a full recovery and is up and around soon. Hope you can find some time for you soon, you are one busy lady! Deb xo


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