Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wonderful Surprise in the mail

Today I received the most wonderful surprise in the mail. Robin, "The Primitive Hutch"

sent me a package. I thought now what could it be. Well to my surprise it is a needle punch pattern

and weavers cloth to go with it. I almost cried. I am new to needle punch and if any of you are

familiar with it, it can be very expensive, especially the patterns.  I have only bought one pattern.

Robin and I have talked back and forth about patterns and she told me to check out " Country Stitches"

patterns. I especially loved a snowgirl pattern and even told Robin that, well what did she go

and do but send me the pattern with the weavers cloth.

How sweet and kind of Robin. It has really touched my heart, blogger friends are the best.

If you don't know Robin stop by her blog, she makes the most wonderful prims, I am lucky to own

some of her creations. Thank you again Robin, your kindness really touched my heart. You are a special friend.


  1. That is so sweet of Robin! It is a great pattern and you'll enjoy punching it!
    Best wishes!

  2. Lecia, that is so great! That's so sweet of her. :) I stop by to visit Robin when I can. She is a talented lady.

    I love that pattern. Can't wait to see it done. :) I haven't started my needle punch yet. Still nervous I guess. I found some cute Snowmen transfers to use. Just gotta get off my duff and start it :)

    I love your bunnies at the top of your blog. So cute. Your new background is cool to.

    Have a great week, Janet W

  3. That is really very sweet! You have really good friends and I am sure you are a great friend right back!
    Be blessed,

  4. It makes me happy that you enjoyed my little surprise Lecia.
    I wanted to do that for you ~ you always take the time to visit my blog and comment and I wanted to inspire you in your newest punch needle adventure! All I ask is to enjoy!!!
    Blessings my Friend

  5. What a wonderful and generous gift Lecia and I'm not surprised that it was Robin who sent it to you, she's such a lovely person. Happy punching!


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