Wednesday, February 11, 2015

New Bunnies and a quick yummy recipe

I have been dreaming of Spring, so I have been looking through patterns and deciding what Spring Creations that I am wanting to make. I did manage to make a standing bunny couple.
I also want to share a quick healthy energy bar recipe with you, and believe me, they are addicting.
Bet you can't eat just one.

No Bake Energy Bites

1 cup dry oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix ingredients together in a large bowl. Roll in bite size balls.
Refrigerate to set. Enjoy!

Standing bunny couple. inspired by "My Primitive Saltbox"


  1. Your bunnies are adorable Lecia. That recipe sounds tasty too....just may have to try them. They sound like the perfect thing for DH to pop in his mouth when he has his little feeding frenzies. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I've been doing the same with my spring patterns but at least you've got pretty bunnies made and the old feed sack is a great apron!

  3. Even though we've had a mild winter (very unusual for Idaho) I'm ready for spring too. I won't complain too loudly though as I have friends and family in New England that are now suffering from all the snow they've gotten.

    I haven't visited your blog in some time. Love the family photos Lecia. Your new bunnies are prim perfect!
    Enjoy your day.

  4. Lecia, You are a busy gal!!! Love the bunnies... I have been finally working on some dolls! Long over due for OLM... HUGS!

  5. Cute bunnies. I have to start on some myself this weekend. Janice

  6. Nummy recipe and nummy bunnies, thanks for sharing Lecia!

  7. Hi Lecia, such cute cute bunnies :) That recipe sounds great too.

    I like your Valentines background.
    Can't believe its almost Valintine's Day already. And the stores here have had Easter things out for weeks lol

    Have a great rest of the week my friend. Hugs

  8. Lecia,

    The bunnies are beautiful. The energy bars sound delish. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us.


  9. Mmmmm...will have to try. Cute bunnies!

  10. Love your bunnies! We love the energy balls, I haven't made them in a year or two, need to make some.


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