Thursday, January 1, 2015

Year long Gift!

I want to wish all of my blogger friends a Happy New Year, one of my goals this year is to learn to
needle punch, I have started a project and will show it when I am finished.
  I want to share a cute gift with you that my husband and I received from my grandchildren Cole and Riley this year. They gave us a gift bag and it is has 12 envelopes in it. One for each month of the year. I want to share the gifts we received with you.
 My husband made a deal with them that if they would take music lessons for 3 years that he
would give them each $1000. Well this Jan. is 1 year and they have stuck to it faithfully. Cole is taking piano and Riley guitar. I think Ronnie better be saving up his money.

Gift number one, January

Letter from Cole, a picture and game piece

Letter from Riley and a guitar pick


  1. What a darling gift! I look forward to seeing each envelope opened.

  2. Such a fun filled gift!!!
    I think he better start saving his money too!!!
    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  3. That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen Lecia, what a wonderful gift! Can't wait to see what each month will reveal. Better tell your hubby to start collecting pop bottles, he is going to have to pay up on that bet I think LOL! Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year and may the year bring you joy and good health.

  4. That is the sweetest gift ever. Boy they are really looking forward to that thousand probly have all kinds of things they are daydreaming New Year ! ~Amy


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