Saturday, January 3, 2015

My very first needle punch

For a long time now I have been wanting to learn to do needle punch. I have been watching "You Tube" videos on how to needle punch. I especially love the videos from Lori, "Notforgotten Farm" and "The Old Tattered Flag". I have worked so hard on this project, I am a perfectionist,so I am not
totally pleased with the results. I can see some white spots and that bothers me. But I have to tell myself that this is my first project and I will get better with time. I can tell that when I really get
the hang of needle punching that it is going to be alot of fun. If anyone has any pointers to help me
I would greatly appreciate it. I used a standing Morgan hoop which I really like, I was afraid at this
point to invest in a gripper frame. Last year I made my first quilt and learned to cross stitch,
so this is my goal for this year. Wonder what I will do next.


  1. Well I have to say you did a fantastic job! And good for you sticking with it to finish it. I seem to have lots of 'unfinished' things here.
    You can go back in and do those little areas if you see it happen again on some piece you work on. I had to on the last one I did.
    Great job!

  2. Even if it is your first try, it looks great!

  3. Whoa, for your first project that is wonderful! Keep it up girl:O)

  4. It looks great! I started learning punch needle last year but ran into a snag where all my projects kind of go into the shape of a bowl! Someone told me I may be punching too tightly, but if I punch looser I then have the white spots of the fabric showing in between the punches. It discouraged me enough to set it aside & not pick it up again : ( I am hoping to try again this year though ... maybe find a class nearby? Wish we lived closer ... we could punch together : ) Incidentally, I found punching more enjoyable with a gripper frame. I purchased mine from Ginger at prairiemoonprimitive on Etsy. She's very nice & helpful. If you want the link for the frame, let me know : )

  5. Great job! That's on my list to learn as well! Happy New Year. Maggie

  6. Love your snowman punch needle! I want to learn someday too.

  7. I need to watch Lori's want to do needle punch again...I use to do it a long time ago andforgot. LOL. Love love your snowman! Janice

  8. Oh wow! Lecia, for a first go, I say it's brilliant! You need to give me pointers! It really is fun!

  9. Love your snowman! I have been wanting to try punch needle for a long time....but It's hard to find time to gather information and get started. Not enough hours in the day! Take Care!
    Happy New Year!


  10. Awesome Job Lecia!!!
    I love the snowman ~ a great one to do as a beginner.
    I love to needle punch but just don't seem to find the time ~ so many projects!

  11. Great job Lecia! I tried it awhile back and made something and really enjoyed doing it but now it's been so long, I'll have to learn how all over again!


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