Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Santa came to my house early!

I am so honored to have Jean "Prim Crafts" as my friend and neighbor. We actually met though
blogging and found out that we only live 8 miles apart. Jean and I had such a nice visit yesterday.
She came with a gift bag full of goodies. Jean has such a kind heart and is always willing to help me
with any crafting questions.
 I am just thrilled with everything that Jean brought me. One thing she made me was a punched needle wall hanging. Now I want to learn to do punched needle.
I admire Jean's talent and am proud to own some of her goodies. Most of all I am
blessed to have Jean for a friend!  Thank you Jean!!!

Jean's pattern, and she is all rag stuffed

Adorable snowman in a can

My very first punched needle wallhanging

Bo, my little Christmas dog.
Pinkeep I just finished, done on 18 count aida.


  1. Morning, such a sweet gift, wonderful friend. Blessings Francine.

  2. I know how blessed it is to find someone likeminded and enjoy their friendship so you and Jean are blessed!
    All those prims are awesome especially the punch needle! You'll be hooked when you try it!
    Happy Christmas

  3. What a joy to have Jean in your life. And that is thanks to blogging, wow....

  4. How nice to get to spend time with a blog friend. I love that snowman in a can and all of these Christmas creations! Holiday hugs, Diane

  5. What an awesome friend in Jen. Bo looks cute too! Janice

  6. Wowza! What wonderful gifts she brought you and how neat that you met through blogging!
    Love them all, hard to pick a favorite!


  7. Lovely gifts from Jean and Bo is looking very handsome in his Christmas finery! Love your pinkeep, what an adorable design!


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