Wednesday, December 17, 2014

First Annual Cookie Bake and Pajama Party!

This past weekend my sisters, two of my nieces, my friend Shelia and myself went to our farmhouse in WV for
a girls weekend. We watched Christmas movies, baked cookies, went out to eat and just laughed and had a wonderful time. I will share some photo's. I knew Stephanie couldn't come because she wasn't feeling well, she thought she had the flu like my grandson. She wasn't aware that the tubing at her site for her insulin pump had become occluded. She became deathly sick and was admitted to the hospital for a 3 day stay. She made my SIL and her dad promise to not tell me because she didn't want our PJ party to be messed up. As much as I had fun, I would have rather been with my daughter. I am glad she is feeling alot better, and improving. Please pray for a cure for type 1 diabetics, it is a horrible disease, and the holidays can be hard with all of the Sweets around to tempt them.

Almost Heaven WV

My sister Lena and niece Hillary

My niece Emily and sister Annable

My friend Shelia

My sister Lina arriving

Oh Christmas tree, my $3 tree

The girls

Canned food from Lena's graden

Us girls in our PJ's

I love these girls!

Me and my sisters
Hillary and Lena

Annabel, Emily and Lina
Magic bars

cornflake and chocolate chip cookies

Monster cookies


  1. Such a wonderful family tradition that looks like so much fun!
    So sorry to hear of Stephanie's illness and I know from friends how hard a disease it is to live with.
    Have a blessed Christmas Lecia!

  2. Oh what fun it is to read your blog post on this day! Hey! Hee-hee-hee ... catch the song lyrics bending there : ) I am very sorry to read about your daughter though. Thankfully she is on the mend & hopefully this will never, ever happen again! Very scary! The weekend really looks like it was a blast before you knew what had been going on behind the scenes though. So glad you had such a fabulous getaway! I'm jealous : )

  3. I'm so jealous!! LOL it looks like you all had a blast!!

  4. I meant to say I sure hope your daughter feels better real soon and how sweet of her that she didn't want to spoil your pj party!
    I will keep her in my prayers!


  5. What a blast!!!!!! Looks like a nice place and all to yourselves. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.
    Sorry to hear about your daughter and you know I am always praying for a cure. My granddaughter has a hard time to during the holidays with her type 1. At least we found out she doesn't have sleep apnea.


  6. Oh my Lecia - how terrible..I am so glad she is feeling better now. I'll continue to pray for her dear. Love seeing your pictures of your girlie time! Must have been fun.

  7. Sorry to hear about your daughter. She is a sweetie knowing her mamma would be right there but didn't want to spoil your special time.Sending up a prayer for a quick recovery. Oh my the girls cookie bash sounds sooo fun! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Praying for your dear daughter.
    What a sweetie.
    SO much fun and new memories.
    Merry Christmas


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