Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wonderful surprise in the mail.

Today when I went out to check the mail, there was a package on my porch, when I picked it up,
I kept thinking, I don't remember ordering anything, it must be something that my son ordered.
But when I looked at the package, I saw my name on it.

It was from a dear friend  Trish "Ladybug" Wenzl, that I had met a couple years ago through blogging.
Trish has been a wonderful friend and encourager to me, she uplifts me in her prayers and
is always giving me words of encouragement. I cherish and appreciate her friendship.
Thank you Trish for your kindness, I cherish your friendship.
I love everything!!!!

Now to show you what was in the package.

Can't wait to see what is in the box, excitement!

Look at the is beautiful wooden bowl.

Love the stars on the bottom and outside also.

I love this beautiful Gathering board, so lovely for fall.

The cutest civil war doll that she designed, love how she is holding the flag, she is adorable.


  1. What a fun surprise! Trish was so kind to me when my mom passed.... OLM

  2. What nice gifts from your blogging friend!! So thoughtful of her... there sure are wonderful people out there in blogland!

  3. Well what a nice surprise. It's comforting to have friends who encourage and inspire us. Those are some awesome gifts. I love that dolly too.

  4. Oh gosh - what a wonderful box of goodies...I especially love that Pumpkin Spice go with my coffee from you! :-) I'm rationing it and have it hidden from everyone else - am I bad?
    Enjoy your goodies from Trish.

  5. Oh how sweet! It is good to have friends that care about you and like to surprise you now and again I would imagine! You deserve it. Love everything she sent you!
    Still in my prayers!
    Be blessed,

  6. What a wonderful friend and wonderful treasures! Deb

  7. wow, how sweet!
    I love the bowl, board and doll!

  8. Morning, ohhhh!!!! love the bowl, all the goodies are great, lucky gal, Hugs Francine.

  9. What great items you received. especially love the bowl and the Civil War era doll :)

  10. Happy Halloween!

    What an amazing friend.


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