Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Awesome little Getaway!

  I have been busy with working my two jobs, not much time for crafting or anything right now.
I was able to go on a quick trip with two of my sisters and my best friend to Lancaster, Pa. for
a day trip.
We just spent one night, but we sure didn't let any grass get green under our feet. We did a little
shopping, ate some wonderful comfort food, and did alot of laughing. It was therapy for all of us.
 We also went to see a wonderful play  "Half Stitched", based on the book by Wanda E. Brunstetter.
It was a comedy about all of these different people from many different walks of life taking a quilting class,
I laughed and I cried, it was a wonderful play. Now I have to read the book. I recommend the play highly!
I will share a few pictures. I didn't get any photo's of the amish, sorry.

Me and two of my sisters, they are twins

Me, my sisters, and Shelia

I loved how this house was decorated, had to take a photo

A few of my treasures

Pamphlet from the play "Half Stitched"


  1. What fun. You all look alike. So pretty and such happy faces.
    I loved the book.
    Wish I would have ran into you. :)
    Woolie Blessings

  2. I have heard it is great...you three are lucky sisters.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time - hope your little trip helped to recharge your batteries! Hugs and blessings

  4. What sweet pics of you and sisters Lecia!
    Would have loved to see that play! I almost bought that book awhile back. sounds great! Wish I lived closer to Lancaster, Pa.


  5. Oh I read that book...it was awesome! I would love to see the play sometime. Sounds like a great getaway and sounds like you needed it. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing and have a great rest of the week.
    Be blessed,

  6. Sounds like the best time. Maybe you can all do it again sometime!


  7. Awesome!!! So glad you got to go away with family and friends for a much needed getaway. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and it looks like you found some awesome goodies too!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. I've been dreaming of Lancaster mostly on tuesdays to go to roots.My dear friend has a veggie stand and the amish baked goods oh my! Glad you got some girl time. Warm Blessings! Amy

  9. Oh that is so great for you sisters! Sounds like a fun time! I love the area so much!

  10. Morning,, how wonderful to get away with your sisters, love doing that.....great treasures you found too, Blessings Francine.

  11. simply it is good for the soul to get away with good friends and /or family!!!! So glad you had a good time! OLM

  12. good for you!
    I loved both the half stitched books!

  13. Ahh, how sweet for you three to get away. You could actually pass a triplets! Sounds like a fun play.

  14. Good picture of you and your sisters! Fun times!


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