Saturday, January 26, 2013

Update on mom and what I have been working on.

I want to thank everyone for their concern and prayers for my mom. She had an appoint.

tues. at UVA, where they did xrays and took out her stitches and staples from her arm and leg.

They both look great, now we are just waiting for the healing process. She will probably be in the

skilled nursing facility for at least 12 weeks. She isn't able to put any weight on her leg for eight weeks

and then will have to learn to walk with a walker, which will be hard until her arm heals.

But she couldn't even raise her arm before surgery and now she can lift it and even touch her nose.

 We had a scare yesterday, they thought she was developing a blood clot in her leg, they did an

ultrasound and it was negative. So I am so thankful for that!!! And it is so wonderful to see her being

able to raise her arm and touch her nose. Things many of us take for granted.

  Please continue to keep my parents in your prayers, this is hard on both of them.

I haven't had much time for crafting , my little Granddaughter Riley gave me some motivation.

She is turning 8 next week and loves American Girl dolls. She told me that her dolls needed some clothes.

Well she has the "Our Generation" dolls that are sold at target, but to her they are American Girl dolls.

  My husband and I bought her a new doll and I decided to try my hand at making her some doll clothes.

I am used to making primitive crafts,  where if you mess up or have it a little to grungy it looks better.

Making clothes with patterns was a whole new ballgame, the hardest part was figuring out the patterns.

I will share the clothes that I made for Miss Riley, sure hope her and those dolls like them.


  1. Looks like you did a wonderful job on the clothes Lecia. I know Riley will love them.
    Keeping your mom and dad in my prayers.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. The clothes turned out cute.I'm sure she'll love them probly beg you for a matching set for her to your momma is finally coming along.Will keep praying.Hugs!~Amy

  3. Positive, healing thoughts for your mom. May she continue to improve each and every day. Great job on the clothes!

  4. Adorable clothing for the dolls!!! So good to hear it wasn't a blood clot for your mom. Blessings~Sara

  5. So glad to hear your mom is doing good..and those clothes are so cute! Riley will love them, Janice

  6. I am so glad your mom is doing better. I know she will be glad to get home. Your doll clothes are great, hmmm--maybe you just found another craft to do!

  7. I was wondering how your Mom was doing, will continue to keep her and your Dad in my prayers. What a long road this will be for her but so glad she is improving and there wasn't a clot to worry about.
    Riley is a lucky little girl and I'm sure she will be so excited to get her special gifts. Great job Lecia!

  8. Glad to hear that your Mom is on the mend.
    Keeping her in my Prayers!
    Love the Doll clothing. So Sweet!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  9. The doll clothes are darling. Reminds me of my grandma. She made all our doll clothes and sometimes the dolls. She even made Barbie clothes and crocheted some, too. It is a wonderful thing to share your skills wit the grands!!!


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