Thursday, January 31, 2013

Eating Disorder Awareness

Eating disorders can effect men, women and children. It can be anorexia, bulimia of diabulimia.

The person can be very thin, or not thin, it is an illness that most people would never know

exists by looking at the person. My daughter is diabetic and struggles with diabulemia.

 It tears my heart apart as a mom to see her struggle like she does. I am so proud of her

taking steps to beat this disease and I feel with the right help and lots of prayers that she will.

I want to share her story with you.  My daughter is beautiful inside and on the outside too.

She is the best mother that I have ever seen. She adores her family.

Click the link below to see her story.

Stephanies Story:


  1. Hugs Lecia! You have a full plate too my friend. Eating disorders are hard to understand if you don't know someone with one. My sister has battled it since she was 16, though along with her many issues she uses is a weapon against every and a excuses she chooses not to get help as everything is everyone else's fault not her own.
    I am so glad stephanie see what this has done and WANTS to get better, that is half the battle! My sister choose to do nothing. Hugs to your family and know she is going to get better! OLM

  2. Beautiful family........keeping them in my prayers.

  3. God bless you and your beautiful family...with all my strength in prayer I pray that all will be overcome and healed.

  4. Praying for your beautiful daughter, your mom, you friend and family.
    Our roads are never easy but God sure does give us strength to face them.
    Blessings & Hugs

  5. I've always thought through the pics you post that your daughter was beautiful.I'm glad she realizes there is a problem and is trying to fight it.That is a very important part realizing and knowing for themselves.I know she'll try so hard so she can be there for her adorable kids.She's lucky to have wonderful love and support of family as well.I'm sending up prayers(still praying for your momma,dad and you) I was unaware that this disorder even existed till today.Hugs!~Amy

  6. I have never heard of this particular eating disorder before. Hope things continue to get better for her and her family.

  7. Lecia what an amazing daughter you have! What an amazing mom your daughter has also! I am keeping your daughter in my prayers and also the rest of you too as you deal with this disease!
    Be blessed,


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