Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Primitives that I have made

We were really fortunate in this part of  Va. we had high winds and rain but thankfully no damage

at my house due to Hurricaine Sandy. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the people effected by Sandy.

School was closed  for two days so I decided to do some sewing. I made Mr. and Mrs.

Santa, I was inspired by a pattern by, "The Goode Wife of Washington County".

I also made a Santa using a "Bittersweetfolkart" Pattern.

I like to add my own touches to patterns, as I am sure most crafters do.

Email me if you are ever interested in anything that I make. FARMHOUSE PRIMS

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Giveaway Winners

I want to thank Brenda "The Rusty Thimble" for hosting the big 24 prize Winter/Christmas Giveaway.

I want to congratulate Sara "Salmon Falls Prims" for being the winner of the snowman top hat

which was the prize that I donated. Sara I need your address and will send it

right out to you. What a fun giveaway and thanks to all that participated, especially Brenda

for hosting the giveaway and for all of the hard work that she did.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekend Getaway

 This weekend one of my friends and I spent the weekend at our farmhouse in WV.

We just relaxed, went to a few thrift and antique shops and rode around in the country

and just enjoyed  the beauty of the fall season. We also talked and  laughed alot.

It was a real nice girls weekend.   I also worked on a pennyrug, the pattern

I used was from Karen, "My Colonial Home" .  I love her patterns.  The pattern didn't call

for buttons, but I decided to add them to the tree. Love how it turned out.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mr. Jack!

I was thrilled to find out that I was one of the winners of Karen "My Colonial Home"  giveaway,

Karen makes the most wonderful penny rugs and also has penny rug patterns to sell. I was thrilled to

find out that I had won one of her wonderful penny rugs, wow, does Karen do nice work,

her stitching is perfect. I love Mr. Jack, and not only did she send me a penny rug,

but a beautiful sheep pillow, I really love both items. Thank you Karen for sharing your

awesome talent and for hosting a wonderful giveaway!!!!!  Go over to Karens blog

and look at all of her lovely penny rugs. She has a lovely blog!!! Her beautiful home

has also been featured in "Country Sampler" magazine, she is quite the decorator and

such a sweetie!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Prims I have recently made

I want to share some pictures of some recently made prims, Please email me FARMHOUSE PRIMS

if you are interested in any of these items or need measurements or prices. Hope you are enjoying

these beautiful fall days!!!

bonnet, "A Pilgrim and Pioneers" pattern

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New addition to my Prims!

My awesome friend  Jean "Prim Crafts" made me the most awesome cats. Boo and Hiss, don't you just love

them. I met Jean through blogging and come to find out we only live 8 miles from each other. So we

have visited with each other several times,

Jean is so sweet and caring, I feel like I have known her for years, she feels just like

what do we country people say, "Kinfolk". Even the first time I met Jean, I felt like we had

been friends for years.

She has been a real inspiration and help in my crafting too.

I am just so tickled with Hiss and Boo," thank you Jean."  And I hope Jean doesn't mind me

posting this, but I have a request. Please keep Jean and her doggy  in your prayers, her

little dog is very sick and it is breaking Jeans heart. Jean is a very special friend and I

hate to see her hurting. Love you Jean!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Huge Giveaway!

Brenda  of "The Rusty Thimble" is hosting a huge giveaway .A Winter Wonderland

Giveaway! There will be a total  of 24 prizes given by various bloggers including Brenda.

 Please go to Brenda's blog to sign up and then come

back here to my blog and leave a comment for another chance to win. The giveaway ends Oct. 21st.