Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Giveaway Winners

I want to thank Brenda "The Rusty Thimble" for hosting the big 24 prize Winter/Christmas Giveaway.

I want to congratulate Sara "Salmon Falls Prims" for being the winner of the snowman top hat

which was the prize that I donated. Sara I need your address and will send it

right out to you. What a fun giveaway and thanks to all that participated, especially Brenda

for hosting the giveaway and for all of the hard work that she did.


  1. Lecia
    I forwarded Saras address to you this morning in case she does not see your post
    Thank you for donating such a great prize

  2. Congratulations to your winner!! I so enjoyed entering this giveaway and even though I didn't win, the new friendships made are priceless:-)xo

  3. Thank you so much Lecia! I am excited to have
    won. I love all of your creations and now
    I will have one of my very own. YEAH!
    Thanks again. Blessings~Sara


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