Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New addition to my Prims!

My awesome friend  Jean "Prim Crafts" made me the most awesome cats. Boo and Hiss, don't you just love

them. I met Jean through blogging and come to find out we only live 8 miles from each other. So we

have visited with each other several times,

Jean is so sweet and caring, I feel like I have known her for years, she feels just like

what do we country people say, "Kinfolk". Even the first time I met Jean, I felt like we had

been friends for years.

She has been a real inspiration and help in my crafting too.

I am just so tickled with Hiss and Boo," thank you Jean."  And I hope Jean doesn't mind me

posting this, but I have a request. Please keep Jean and her doggy  in your prayers, her

little dog is very sick and it is breaking Jeans heart. Jean is a very special friend and I

hate to see her hurting. Love you Jean!


  1. Aww, sorry to hear her doggy is ill and Hiss and Boo are just adorable. I hope her pooch gets better soon.

  2. So fun to get together with blog friends and more of a treat when they live close by. so sorry about your blog friends doggy and sure hope it gets better!

  3. Oh gosh. I am so sorry to hear about Jeans dog. I hope the pup gets better. I am happy for you to have a friend so sweet as Jean. Boo and Hiss are just adorable.


  4. So awesome you have a prim buddy so close by for friendship and inspiration Lecia - both you and Jean are wonderful prim artists! Will say a prayer for her & the fur baby. It is so hard when they are suffering! ~*~Lisa

  5. How neat that you have such a special friend in Jean. The cats are so cute. Praying for Jean's little doggie and for Jean.
    Be blessed,

  6. Oh Lecia you lucky duck to have a blogging friend live so close to you and one that creates too!
    I've been honored to have some of Jeans creations ~ she is very talented!!! I love Hiss and Boo ~ so adorable!
    Hope Jeans little one gets better soon!
    Prim Blessings

  7. Boo and Hiss are very cute! I hope Jean's little dog gets better real soon! Katie

  8. Morning Friend
    Praying for Jean and her furry one.
    What cute kitties from a sweet friend.
    Happy Fall


  9. Love Boo & Hiss.(My cat is named Boo)Isn't it wonderful to connect with fellow bloggers? They are like kinfolk.

  10. Hiss and Boo are Adorable.
    Jean does wonderful work.
    Sending Prayers out her way for her dog.

  11. Lecia, your so sweet. You too are an inspiration to me. So glad you like Boo and Hiss and thank you for mentioning my furbabby.
    Thank you all for your warm well wishes too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Love them Lecia!! Jean is so talented!! I have many of her creations beautifying my home. I just received an awesome doll that she made through her sister in law Amy in our recent swap. I love it. I miss her blogging as well.How nice that you can be so close. Blessings~Sara

  13. So Special having a dear friend so close by where you can
    get together and share and chat, Jean is sooo talented
    Love your little Boo & Hiss..
    Well keep Jean in my thoughts and prayers for her dear
    furbabby.. Hugs to both of you :-)

  14. Our "Furkids" hold such a special place in our hearts...sending love to Jean. Little Boo & Hiss are just adorable!

    -Darlene xxoo

  15. Lucky you to have a close prim friend like Jean. I have her in my thoughts and prayers. Boo & Hiss are too cute!


  16. They really are precious! Blog buddies really do make the best friends!


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