Sunday, September 30, 2012

Finally new flooring!

As you know awhile back I painted my kitchen cabinets and wanted new flooring to go with them

as our old flooring was at least 28 years old.  My son and SIL do construction but have been

so busy that I hated to keep bothering them about the project. So my husband and I decided to

do it ourselves. Well according to all of the you tube video's etc. it was supposed to be easy

installation. Well I guess it would be if you knew what you were doing. he he But to me it

was hard and we worked so hard but finally got it completed. My poor husband works alot

and when he gets a day off loves going to WV to our farmhouse. Well he took a vacation day

friday for me to put the flooring down. We finished in two days and I am tickled with the results.

But as hard as it was we had alot of fun, I was rolling around on the floor like a kid and told

him how thankful I was that I could still do that. he he He said he was glad no one was looking

in the window. he he Sometimes even hard work can be fun. My kitchen is L Shaped , so it is hard to get

good pictures.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Harvest Swap

I participated in Amy- Bumble Bee Lane  Harvest swap.  I was thrilled to find out that

Robin, "Primitive Hutch"  was my partner. I have enjoyed so much talking to Robin

and getting to know her better. You need to check out her blog, it is awesome and

Robin also has a website.  My swap goodies arrived today and I was thrilled like a

kid on Christmas morning. I opened the box and didn't know where to begin.  It was full

of prim goodies and everything was wrapped so nice.  I want to tell you Robin totally

spoiled me rotten. I really love, love everything. Thank you so much Robin!!!

What a wonderful swap!!!! And thank you Amy for hosting the swap, so much fun!!!

Now wouldn't you say that I just won the primitive lottery, I think so!!! I am thilled with everything
and thank you Robin so much from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prairie Dress Set that I made

I made a Prairie Dress Bonnet set. The dress is approx. 37" long, the bonnet approx. 22" long.

I used a Primitive Pear pattern for the dress and a Pilgrims Pioneers pattern for the bonnet.

The set is blue/tan tickling. I am asking $52.99 plus traveling fee for the set.

Only one available, out of this fabric and not sure if I can get anymore. Contact me if interested

Lecia, Farmhouse Prims

Friday, September 14, 2012

What a wonderful Basket!

I received the most beautiful basket from Ann 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets .  We

decided to do our own swap and I received this beautiful basket from Ann.

Now I own three of her awesome baskets. I haven't quite decided where to put it,

But I wanted to share some photo's of the basket, I  also love the beautiful label

that is attached to the front. Thank you Ann for making me this wonderful Basket!!!

I love it!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How did I get my blogging name?

 Karen from "My Colonial Home" has a challenge for us bloggers, she wants to know when we started

blogging and how we got our blogger name.  I didn't realize it but I started blogging May 2008. It sure

doesn't seem that long. When I started blogging I did it for my love of prims and to make some

new friendships. Well I have made so many wonderful friends, more than I would have ever imagined.

I didn't do any crafts at the time, and now I just trying all sorts of things, and want to learn even more.

I got my name "Old Farmhouse Prims", because my husband and I bought an old farmhouse in WV

to remodel. We have had it probably 8 years. Most of my pictures on my blog are of the Farmhouse,

we are still deciding if we are going to move there one day, for now we can't leave our kids and


  I wanted to share a Prairie doll that I made this weekend. I also met a wonderful lady on facebook

who is an artist. Joyce Reed, she lives in Chincoteaque, Va. . Her home has been

featured in the Country Sampler Home tour edition 2011. She painted a picture of one of my

prairie dolls. I am very proud to own one of Joyce's paintings.

  When fall is in the air I want to make apple pies, pumpkin pies and homemade vegetable soup.

Today I made a pumpkin pie. I used the sweetener stevia that is mixed with sugar. It tastes wonderful

I can't believe that there is an artifical sweetener in the pie. It is partly eaten or I would show a picture. he he

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Scarecrow Doll

I wanted to show my first ever scarecrow doll that I  made. I used a Bittersweetfolkart pattern. For the

body,  clothes, facial features and scarecrow hat I used my own design.

He is approx. 25" tall, he can sit or hang. I am asking $42.95 plus traveling fee.

He is right cute I think. He has a funnel hat, a rusty square nail for his nose. He is holding a burlap

bag with a gourd. He has a Bemis feedsack emblem on his shirt.