Friday, September 21, 2012

A Few Pictures to Share

 I  wanted to share a few pictures of things around my house, I am always rearranging something!

I love old baby shoes, little doll was from
Jean of "Prim Crafts"


  1. Thanks for sharing. What a great hubby to surprise you with gifts! Love the old shoe decorated for fall!

  2. your blog sure is pretty Lecia <3 Love your Fall gatherings you do a beautiful job.. how sweet of your husband to bring you that bowl :)

  3. I love old shoes too Lecia! Such a sweet hubby you havef! My neighbor just bought a doll just like yours at a garage sale for $1 and was going to use it for a halloween display outside full of fake blood...I begged her not to do it. So now she is going to sell it.

  4. OM Goodness!!! Love seeing your wonderful collection of goodies and LOVE the old doll. Thanks for sharing your awesome pictures!



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