Saturday, September 8, 2012

How did I get my blogging name?

 Karen from "My Colonial Home" has a challenge for us bloggers, she wants to know when we started

blogging and how we got our blogger name.  I didn't realize it but I started blogging May 2008. It sure

doesn't seem that long. When I started blogging I did it for my love of prims and to make some

new friendships. Well I have made so many wonderful friends, more than I would have ever imagined.

I didn't do any crafts at the time, and now I just trying all sorts of things, and want to learn even more.

I got my name "Old Farmhouse Prims", because my husband and I bought an old farmhouse in WV

to remodel. We have had it probably 8 years. Most of my pictures on my blog are of the Farmhouse,

we are still deciding if we are going to move there one day, for now we can't leave our kids and


  I wanted to share a Prairie doll that I made this weekend. I also met a wonderful lady on facebook

who is an artist. Joyce Reed, she lives in Chincoteaque, Va. . Her home has been

featured in the Country Sampler Home tour edition 2011. She painted a picture of one of my

prairie dolls. I am very proud to own one of Joyce's paintings.

  When fall is in the air I want to make apple pies, pumpkin pies and homemade vegetable soup.

Today I made a pumpkin pie. I used the sweetener stevia that is mixed with sugar. It tastes wonderful

I can't believe that there is an artifical sweetener in the pie. It is partly eaten or I would show a picture. he he


  1. So glad to learn a little more about you! Your doll is amazing, and Joyce does such a nice job. Blessings~ Sara

  2. Love your prairie doll. Glad to 'get to know you' more.


  3. It has been so much fun learning how bloggers chose their name. Karen had such a good idea and I have found some wonderful new blogs. Your work is very nice.

  4. Hi Lecia,
    Thanks for joining in my Challenge! Very interesting and fun to read about here - thanks for sharing with us.

  5. Where do you live right now? It is cool that you have an old farmhouse, that is my dream that just won't come true. I love your doll, so cute! I am going to buy one of those one day! That dream WILL come true, just not sure when. The painting Joyce did is so neat! Thanks for sharing!
    Be blessed,

  6. Good to hear your story! Connecting with other prim minded folks has been so much fun for me too!
    Your prim creations are wonderful and inspiring!
    Best wishes

  7. One of my aunts spent 10 years remodeling her farmhouse before moving in. It was nice hearing about how you started blogging. I will have to do a post on how I came up with my name. Take care, Janice

  8. Wow catchin up on your blog and you have been SEW busy!! Your talent is amazing! I love your Farmhouse style and what a bummer your farmhouse is so far away from family! I understand though. Love all your Fall decorations too! Keep on Keepin on!! XOXO Fran.


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