Sunday, May 20, 2012

A little Americana

I  am going to share some pictures of some of my Americana decor that I display around my house.

Continue to keep my mom in your prayers. Her arm isn't healing as expected. We go back to UVA

June 13th. she was told if there isn't any improvement to prepare herself for surgery. I wish they would

have just done it in the beginning. She would be on the road to recovery now.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day! Much of my decor was made by other bloggers,

I smile when I display your beautiful things!!!


  1. Hi, Lecia~Wonderful displays~ love the uncle Sam~
    sending out prayers~

  2. Great prim Americana decor, my favorite is your shower curtain. I'm partial to stars, they are all over my house.

    I will keep your mom in my prayers. I'm sorry to hear that she isn't healing properly. ~Ann

  3. Love all the Americana Lecia! Especially the Raggedy Ann.
    I sure hope your moms are heals. Sending up prayers for her.
    Hope you have a great Sunday!

  4. Love it all Lecia!! I will continue to pray for your mom.


  5. Hi Sweetie - Sorry I've been MIA for a while; just can't keep up - but I did a little catch-up here - and've had lots going on. So very sorry to read about your mom's fall and broken arm...must have been some fall to break it in 5 places. I certainly will pray for healing and wisdom for her physicians.... Also wanted to say congratulations to your daughter! Yea for her! That's a huge accomplishment - especially with having a young family. Love your Americana decor....I spy some familiar artists' works there....I need to get going on mine....I usually like to have it out and up by Memorial day - can't believe that's next weekend already! Hope you are well....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Don't know how you do it all Lecia. Love your summer decor! I still have a basket of eggs out..ahem. Hope your mom is on the road to recovery soon. I know it can be stressful-hang in there! ~*~Lisa

  7. so sorry about your mom. Love your Americana. Bloggers do pray, so prayers for your MOM. They were so faithful in praying for my Granddaughter, I love to be able to pray for others.

  8. Lecia I have been wondering how your Mom is doing. I hope they go ahead with the surgery if that will fix what is wrong the right way! And I pray for the best result and a Good recovery for her.

    Love your Americana decor wonderful prims

  9. I'm like you love seeing all my pretty creations created by friends..Hope your mom's arm shows some improvement so she doesn't have to start all over.Keeping her in prayer.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. Lecia, Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good to hear from you my friend! Congrats to your daughter's graduation! Will keep your mom in my prayers for a fast recovery. You have some wonderful prims to decorate your home with. They all would make me smile as well.


  11. Saying a prayer for your mom to get better. Love your patriotic displays! Take care, Janice

  12. Hi Lecia,
    I am sorry to hear about your mom not doing so well. I hope that she will recover soon!
    I enjoyed seeing your Americana decor! I am a bit slow, I just pulled my pot wreath out to put on the front door finally!
    I have been some what busy. I always smile when I see your bonnet. Someday, I plan to get another one.


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