Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Wow the first summer holiday weekend, how time flies. First I am thankful and grateful for the sacrifice

that our military has made for me so that I can live in freedom, and I thank all those that have served this

wonderful country of our. My father was a marine and my husband was in the army and both are really

proud of their service. So our military are dear to me.

My weekend has been low key and boy is that nice sometimes just to relax and do whatever.

I made a quick trip a week or so ago to a shop where Jean of "Prim Crafts"   has her crafts

and couldn't resist her prairie doll.  Also want to show a few pictures of some of my flowers. And today

is one of our special blogger friends birthday, stop by and wish Sheila "Seasons of thy Heart" a very

Happy Birthday!"

Wishing you a lovely Memorial Day!!!!


  1. Love your new doll, she is adorable. I need to do some planting down here, it is just so hot already don't want to be out in it. We are having a rainy weekend with our first tropical storm, so it has been a sewing couple of days for me, as long as the power stays on!

  2. The doll is so cute! Beautiful flowers, thanks for sharing!

  3. oh your home looks so pretty..:) thank your hubby for his service..we too served 26 years in the Navy..;) have a wonderful day;)

  4. Your flowers are so pretty and displayed nicely. I big thank you to both your father and hubby for protecting my freedom. Take care, janicce

  5. Your flowers are beautiful! I'm not a gardener but I really appreciate those who have that talent. Happy Memorial Day to you and your family!

    -Darlene xxoo

  6. Love your new doll that Jean made!!
    Your flowers are so pretty. I hope to get some to put out on my porch this week.

  7. Praises to all for their sacrifices!!!
    Love the doll you purchased from Jean ~ so cute!
    Wonderful flower displays ~ simply Beautiful!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Love your doll and your flowers!

  9. Hi Lecia!
    I'm sure the prairie doll is loving her new home~ and your flowers all look beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great week!

  10. Hi Lecia! Special thank you for the serve that both your
    Father and Husband gave to our Country.. So We can have
    the "Freedom" we all share each and every day..We so honor
    these "Hero" of our Country..
    Love that New Dolly she is adorable.. Jean has such creative talent..
    Flowers are so well displaced in all those awesome pots
    the little wagon is my favorite...
    Many Blessings

  11. Hi, Lecia! Love that doll! I think I may have to get myself one, too! :o)



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