Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Wow the first summer holiday weekend, how time flies. First I am thankful and grateful for the sacrifice

that our military has made for me so that I can live in freedom, and I thank all those that have served this

wonderful country of our. My father was a marine and my husband was in the army and both are really

proud of their service. So our military are dear to me.

My weekend has been low key and boy is that nice sometimes just to relax and do whatever.

I made a quick trip a week or so ago to a shop where Jean of "Prim Crafts"   has her crafts

and couldn't resist her prairie doll.  Also want to show a few pictures of some of my flowers. And today

is one of our special blogger friends birthday, stop by and wish Sheila "Seasons of thy Heart" a very

Happy Birthday!"

Wishing you a lovely Memorial Day!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A little Americana

I  am going to share some pictures of some of my Americana decor that I display around my house.

Continue to keep my mom in your prayers. Her arm isn't healing as expected. We go back to UVA

June 13th. she was told if there isn't any improvement to prepare herself for surgery. I wish they would

have just done it in the beginning. She would be on the road to recovery now.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day! Much of my decor was made by other bloggers,

I smile when I display your beautiful things!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

She did it, What an awesome day!!!

Today was a day of celebrating, my daughter graduated  from Blue Ridge Community College, she received an associates degree in arts and science and a certificate in General Education.

It has been a hard two years going to school and taking care of a family. But I am so proud of her,
she did it!!!!.

Cole and Riley are so proud of their mommy, how awesome to go to your mommy's graduation.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just a Sarah Plain and Tall Bonnet

I have really been busy working the two jobs.  I did manage to make some bonnets, once I did a swap

and the girl requested a bonnet made from just muslin. I said are you sure and she said yes, I want it to look

simple like, "Sarah Plain and tall". Well it turned out beautiful, especially after staining. So I decided to

make another one. Plus I did make a few more, I really like how the burgundy one turned out.

Email me if interested. Farmhouse Prims